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Obi-Wan was having a completely normal day. Only he wasn't.

He woke up early like he always did, then took half an hour for meditation. Only instead of the warm and welcoming nothingness he usually sunk into when meditating, every time he close his eyes he could only see tan skin, brown eyes with a hint of gold, dark curls, a curling scar... The meditation didn't clear his mind at all.

After that he prepared a breakfast for himself and Ahsoka and his day was finally starting to feel normal. Only that illusion was broken a few moments later.

"Obi-Wan?" Ahsoka asked. It might have sounded innocent but Obi-Wan could feel the intention behind Ahsoka's words. To be honest, he noticed his little sister being a little out of it, often lost in her thoughts, in the past few days.

"Yes, Ahsoka?"

"How do you know if someone is interested in you?" she asked. And well, that wasn't that bad of a question. Obi-Wan expected her to ask something like that a long time ago. He would never admit it but when Ahsoka turned thirteen and he realized that he will have to guide her to adulthood, he put together the possible questions she could ask and found an answer to each. This was one of the better questions.

"Well, I would expect you to already know that. Didn't you date that boy from your class last year? Lux, was it?"

Ahsoka's lekku darkened at the mention of her ex-boyfriend. She never told Obi-Wan the details but Obi-Wan understood that Ahsoka wasn't exactly proud of her choice of a boyfriend. "That was different."

"Of course it was. Would you care to tell me who is the lucky boy who caught your attention?"

"Doesn't matter," Ahsoka shrugged it off.

"I think it does."

"Well, I think it doesn't. Oh, and I'm meeting Barriss before the first class, gotta go," Ahsoka smiled and disappeared into thin air. So much for having a normal morning.

Obi-Wan went to school firmly decided not to let the worry about his little sister or his possible crush on Cody Fett affect his day. Only it wasn't so easy with Fox and Wolffe in his classes.

The worst moment was during the literature class. Obi-Wan was reading a poem, an ancient romantic poem about pining, and he might have gotten a little carried away. Then he met brown eyes, paused abruptly and stared. Then he blinked, the illusion vanished and he found himself staring into Fox's eyes that were just a shade too dark. That was embarrassing to put it mildly.

Then there was the history class. Wolffe was there, third desk in the middle, as always. It was no secret that he wasn't all that interested in studying but aside from biting people from time to time, he wasn't a problem student either. Obi-Wan kind of liked him, even if he barely knew what started the mandalorian civil war and had no idea when the Republic was funded. Today, Obi-Wan wasn't looking forward to seeing him.

"Mr. Kenobi?" Wolffe sought him out before the class. Oh, dear, this day wasn't going to end well.

"Do you need something, Wolffe?"

"Cody says thanks for returning the clothes," Wolffe said with the all too innocent expression that let Obi-Wan know Cody did not, in fact, say thanks. He was also pretty sure that Tanya, who was standing behind Wolffe, was laughing in the privacy of her helmet. The kids had their own assumptions, then. That made the whole situation even better.

"Of course. It was very kind of him to borrow a clothes to an old man in need," Obi-Wan answered not unlike he would answer to Anakin and Ahsoka - with sass. He didn't particularly mind students talking with him as equals, in fact, he encouraged it. They had to expect him to talk back as well, though.

Tanya chuckled openly at that. Wolffe seemed unsure if he wanted to continue the banter or apologize and beg for forgiveness. The bell saved them all.

Needless to say, Obi-Wan's day didn't magically turn into normal. It was pretty close for a moment, though.

He finished teaching classes, had a little chat with Sarai, a mandalorian P.E. teacher, and master Plo, a fellow teacher of cultural studies and diplomacy. Then he corrected some essays and prepared the short test for history he was planning on writing with one class the following day. And then, finally, he borrowed an interestingly looking book about the creation of mandalorian empire and put his in his bag to read before he went to sleep. And, because he just felt like it, he decided to visit Anakin in the workshop.

That's where he went wrong.

His relationship with Anakin wasn't ideal and he knew it. His little brother thought him boring and thanks to the gentle manipulation of their father, he thought Obi-Wan a failure. He probably was a failure but it still sucked. Anyway, he expected Anakin to be a little hostile. That he predicted right.

What he didn't expect was Ahsoka being in the workshop as well. She sat in the corner with her headphones on and had a book opened in front of her. She wasn't looking into the book, however. Her gaze was fixed on who must have been Rex Fett.

Rex looked like all the Fetts seemed to look, only his hair was blonde. So Ahsoka really had a good taste and Lux Bonteri was just a mistake. Good to know.

"Hey, Ahsoka," Obi-Wan greeted his little - okay, she wasn't that little anymore - sister. "What are you studying?"

It took Ahsoka about three seconds to tear her gaze from Rex. Another two seconds was her blinking at him in confusion. Then she probably realized she was holding the book - she was holding it upside down, by the way - she was using as a cover and the blue stripes on her lekku darkened. "Just... some biology."

"Just some biology in general? Not musculature of Anakin's certain coworker?" Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow

Ahsoka's lekku flashed even darker blue, almost black at that point. "Of course not."

"You have good taste, 'Soka," Obi-Wan gave her a knowing smile and gently squeezed her shoulder. "I'm gonna go talk to Anakin some more but maybe we could leave together afterwards and eat out?"

"Anything to save me from your cooking," Ahsoka grinned at him. And honestly, that was quite offensive. Obi-Wan was a passable cook. He could cook a variety of meals, like scrambled eggs or sandwiches or instant noodles. Okay. Maybe he was a little below average.

"Okay. You continue your studies now," Obi-Wan gave Ahsoka a suggestive wink before he walked over to Anakin and started trying to talk to his beloved little brother normally for a bit. He smiled when he saw Ahsoka start talking to Rex on the other end of the room. Maybe his little sister was finally going to find someone worthy of her.

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