The one chapter where everyone seem oddly happy

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  Obi-Wan was used to seeing people tired, sad, exasperated... all kinds of bad moods. Yet today, everyone seemed to be happy.

  The first sign that something was different than normally was that Ahsoka was in the kitchen before him and she didn't look tired or annoyed at going to school at all. Quite the contrary. She was smiling at the screen of her phone and she seemed to be enjoying the coffee with milk she was sipping rather than desperately trying to wake herself up.

  The second time Obi-Wan noticed the odd contentment in the air was in his first class, which happened to be literature. He always came into the classroom a few minutes before the class started and he was used to seeing students chattering brightly during the breaks. There was, however, this one student who he never saw really happy or excited. A quick quirk of lips was the most positive emotion he's ever seen Fox Fett express. Yet there he was, flipping pages of a book Obi-Wan couldn't quite see from the distance, smiling as he read his book.

  The third time Obi-Wan found someone exceptionally happy that day was when he ran into master Plo in the library. He could tell that the Kel Dor was smiling from the way his goggles were tilted upwards a bit. He told the Kel Dor so much.

  "You are right, Obi-Wan," master Plo sounded amused. "I'm having a good day today."

  "I'm glad to hear that."

  "You look happy yourself. I take it your date went well?" 

  "It wasn't a- wait, how do you even know?" Obi-Wan asked, surprised. He told his wise friend a lot of things but he has never mentioned Cody so far.

  "Little 'Soka might have shared something with me, as well as Wolffe. Teenagers and gossip," master Plo shook his head but Obi-Wan knew he didn't mean it. Plo loved children. He was the teacher who brought his students candy before holiday and who calmed down the stressed out firstgraders. It was common knowledge that his door was always open to any student who might be seeking help and many students did so.Once, he was once again searching for some information on mandalorian culture in the school library, he was still studying at the time, and he took Ahsoka with him. Little Ahsoka ran off and before Obi-Wan found her, Plo almost adopted her. He also developed a strong liking to Wolffe Fett, Obi-Wan remembered the boy sitting on Plo's lap and crying after a fight with Assajj as a firstgrader.

  "I should've known Ahsoka was going to tell everyone. Anyway, it wasn't a date but I passed the evening well. May I ask what is it that has you smiling at the world?"

  "I got a word back from the Adoption Agency. I'm going to get two boys into foster care and if everything goes well, I can officially adopt them in six months," Plo told him excitedly. Obi-Wan knew Plo was trying to adopt for quite some time now but as he didn't have mandalorian citizenship, it wasn't as easy for him to adopt as it would normally be in Little Keldabe. The rest of the world preferred traditional families to lonely men of a rare aquatic species.

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