The one chapter where Cody finally answers his messages

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  Obi-Wan really enjoyed chatting with Cody. So yeah, when the other man stopped answering his messages, it hurt him. It was stupid, he knew. Cody was just someone he randomly met, just a good conversation partner, a kind man with good humor and... okay so Obi-Wan might have a crush on Cody Fett. Still, his little chats with Cody shouldn't feel so important. He was way past his teenage years. He was too old for silly crushes.

  Maybe that was why Cody stopped messaging him. Maybe he somehow noticed Obi-Wan's growing fondness of the man. Maybe he just didn't feel the same way. Maybe he thought it was disgusting. It wouldn't be the first time that has happened.

  He still couldn't stop himself from obsessively checking his messages all the time. And, when he was checking for about the hundredth time in the last hour, there was a new message from Cody. Finally. Maybe everything wasn't lost. Or maybe Cody was going to tell him not to ever contact him again. Who knows...

  Apparently, Cody wasn't going to give him the answer right away. His first message was just a simple 'hi'. Then he continued with 'sorry i wasn't replying' and then with a 'how are you?'.

I'm fine, tank you for asking. What about you?

its been a busy couple of days

  It better have been a busy couple of days if Cody didn't even have time to answer Obi-Wan's messages.

Really? What happened?

its a bit too complicated to fit in a text messages

Then what do you say we meet up for coffee or something and you tell me about everything?

  Did Obi-Wan really just do this? He glanced at his phone screen. Yes, he did. He invited Cody Fett for a date. Well, not exactly a date but meeting up for coffee gave the vibe of a date. Or maybe it didn't. It wasn't like Obi-Wan's thoughts were making much sense.

i cant sorry
i really dont have time rn

  So he was still pretty busy? It sounded pretty much like an excuse. But a man like Cody Fett, Obi-Wan knew, could really get so busy he didn't have time for anything. One of his children could be sick, or could've gotten into some mess Cody now had to solve. But then, why didn't Cody just text him what was keeping him so busy?

That's a shame. Maybe we could meet up and catch up once you are a little less busy?

i would love to

  So Cody fell for it. He believed he had gotten rid of Obi-Wan for now. Too bad. Obi-Wan had a plan. He was going to bring Cody lunch the next day, because surely if Cody was so busy he didn't have time to read his messages, he was too busy to cook too. And when Cody was eating, Obi-Wan could ask all kinds of questions. It wasn't a good plan but it will serve it's purpose.

  Obi-Wan didn't think he will have the guts to actually proceed with his plan. But there he was, on his way to Cody's office in the mall, with not one but two boxes with carefully prepared sandwiches in his bag. He made all the different types of sandwiches he knew. It would be awkward if he happened to bring something that Cody didn't like.

  Obi-Wan took a deep breath before knocking on the door to the office. He couldn't fuck this up if he wanted to still have a chance, however small, with Cody. 

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