The one chapter where Fox makes a strange request

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  Monday mornings weren't Cody's favorite part of the week. Kix and Jesse protested at going to school even more than on the other days, Wolffe was always half dead because he refused to acknowledge that three hours of sleep isn't enough even on weekends. And now with Fives and Echo still at home he had to arrange a babysitter everyday, too. 

  "Cody," Jesse groaned from where he was munching on his portion of waffles. "Do we really have to go to school?"

  "For the sixth time, yes, Jesse. School is important. Besides, you have only a few classes today and the rest will be just playing with your friends in the after school club," Cody tried to appear cheerful because the parenting manuals advised it. In Cody's experience, talking about unpleasant stuff cheerfully did exactly nothing to make it more enjoyable for the children but who was he to argue with whatever professional on kids' psychology wrote the manuals?

  "I don't feel well," Jesse declared.

  "Jesse. It's not nice of you to lie to me," Cody reminded him. He was lucky enough that Jesse was still too young to be good at lying. He remembered when Rex was about Fox's age, he would constantly skip school and Cody could never tell whether he was lying or not. "I can tell when you lie and trust me, it won't do you any good to lie."

  Jesse shoved an entire waffle in his mouth instead of answering. Smart little thing. 

  "Is Ahsoka coming again?" Fives asked. He asked every morning now, there was no doubt that Ahsoka was his favorite babysitter. 

  "She has school today," Rex answered. 

  "Wait," Wolffe asked with his mouth because he simply always forgot whatever Cody told him about manners. "How could you possibly know that?"

  "Wolffe," Fox leveled his brother with a glare. "How could you possibly not know that?"

  "Know what?"

  "That you are now the oldest Fett that is single and everyone is gonna be trying to set you up with Tanya," Fox explained calmly.

  "With Tanya? Why Tanya?"

  "Name another girl that would be willing to talk to you," Fox prompted. When Wolffe opened his mouth, he added: "Ventress doesn't count, you are only trying to kill each other."

  "Touché," Wolffe admitted.

  Rex cleared his throat. "If you two would kindly stop arguing, me and Ahsoka aren't actually dating."

  "Oh? And where exactly were you yesterday until three in the morning?" Fox redirected his glare at Rex.

  "Hanging out?"

  "With whom?"

  "With Ahsoka?"

  "See, dating, case closed," Fox announced.

  "Now when you are done interrogating Rex, what exactly did you mean by Wolffe being the oldest single Fett? Cody is also single," Bly interrupted from where he was filling the kids' lunchboxes at the kitchen counter.

  "Even I know that," Wolffe let himself be known.

  "Wait, I don't know that," Cody paused what he was doing - feeding Wooley waffles - and looked at Wolffe, then Fox.

  "Yeah and you chat with my hot history teacher just for fun," Wolffe snorted.

  "Yes, I chat with Obi-Wan just for fun."

  "You are already calling each other first names?" Rex asked with a shit eating grin. Sometimes, Cody hated his brothers.

  "What?" Wooley asked. He was looking at Cody with his cute little face scrunched in confusion. Whether he was confused because of their 'adult' discussion or because Cody stopped feeding him, Cody didn't know.

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