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It was late when Rex came from his meeting with Ahsoka. Cody had already put the kids to sleep and Bly, Wolffe and Fox were in their rooms. Cody was texting Obi-Wan. The other man messaged him a thanks for the clothes. Cody answered and they never stopped chatting. Obi-Wan - yes, they got as far as to call each other by names - proved himself to be an exceptionally good and understanding conversation partner.

Then he finally heard the sound of the doors being opened and closed the chat with a quick 'Good night'. "Hi, Rex."

"Hey," Rex gave him a tired but happy smile as he hung his jacket on the hook and washed his hands in the sink.

"So how was your date?"

"Wasn't really a date. But it was great! We are going again in Sunday."

"So what did you do?"

"We went for a walk, then had dinner, then we just sat on a bench and talked."

"Sounds romantic."

"Shut up," Rex rolled his eyes but Cody could see the subtle blush on his neck and cheeks. Seems like Rex really enjoyed the evening.

"What? Can't I be happy for my little brother?"

"Cody stop this, you are acting like you were my mother!"

"I technically am the closest thing you have to one."

"I hate it when you are right."


Kote just came back from school. It wasn't a particularly long day but he was still looking forward to flopping down on his bed. Like he was going to get some rest, both Rex and Bly always jumped at him the moment he stepped inside the apartment and didn't let go of him until night.

Something was different, though. Rex ran to him like he always would but Bly was crying instead of being happy to see him. Bly was five now, he didn't cry for no reason anymore. "Bly? What's wrong?" Kote asked as he scooped Rex up and kissed his fluffy blond curls.

"Buir is gone," Bly sobbed.

"And?" Kote didn't know what was the deal. Their buir left sometimes for the day or even the night, he had work. "He just has some work."

"Not gone like that," Bly sniffed. "Gone like gone. He packed his bags. And he left you credits on the table. There is so much, Cody!"

Cody looked at the kitchen table and really, there was a stack of credits. It wasn't that much but it must've looked like a lot to Bly. It still was more money than Kote's ever had. And then there was a note. Kote was already sure he wasn't going to like it. 'Take care of your brothers while I'm gone', the note said. But gone for how long? The money would be enough for a week or so. If buir was gone for longer, they would have a problem. There was only a half empty bottle of milk and some cheese in the fridge, Kote checked.

Kote wanted to cry. But he couldn't cry in front of Bly so he pulled Bly into a hug instead. "It's okay, Bly. We have credits and surely buir is going to be back soon."

Only days passed and buir wasn't coming back. Kote was right, the credits comfortably fed them for a week. Then when it was clear buir wasn't coming back, he had to ration them better. He hated it. Hated that Rex cried for a snack but there wasn't any more food to give him. Hated how Bly always asked if they could eat something different than bread and Kote had to tell him that they didn't have enough credits to eat something better. Hated that he had to lie to his teacher about forgetting his lunch so she wouldn't send social workers for him. At least he got a jogan fruit from her and he could bring it to Rex and Bly.

But the credits couldn't last forever, no matter how well Kote rationed them. He dreaded the day when he will have to give the last of the credits buir left them. And the day eventually came.

"Kote, there is no more bread. Can we buy some?" Bly asked when Kote came home.

"We don't have anymore money, Bly."

"But that means... How are we going to buy food? Will we starve to death like the warrior in the story you read us yesterday?"

"No, Bly'ika. I'm going to get food," Kote promised even as he felt desperate tears creeping into his eyes. He had to get food.

That was the first time Kote stole something. He cried while doing it and he cried afterwards because it was just so wrong. The stolen pastry tasted like ash in his mouth. But he had to, for his brothers. And he did it again and again. It never got any easier. He was a criminal. But he had to.

And then buir finally came back, after more than three weeks. He apologized briefly, then got a look at the boys' clothes and yelled at Kote for not cleaning it properly. He sent them to their room then and Kote was just glad to be alone with his brothers. He would care for them. No matter if buir left again.

"I don't want him here, Kote," Rex whined as soon as the door closed behind them.

"He is our buir, Rex."

"No, he is not," Bly informed him. He exchanged looks with Rex and nodded at Rex to continue his statement.

"We want you to be our buir."

"I'm your ori'vod, Rex'ika. That will have to be enough," Cody suppressed his tears as he pressed a kiss first to Rex's forehead then to Bly's. "I love you. I will take care of you. Always."


"I'm happy for you, you know?" Cody pulled Rex for a side hug. "Now tell me all the details, ad'ika."

"Cody! I'm in my twenties!" Rex whined.

"You are shorter than me, you are still an ad."

"Two centimeters, Cody. Two. Fucking. Centimeters."

"You're still tiny," Cody pinched Rex's cheeks, more to piss him off than anything. "Who is my tiny little Rex'ika?"

"Cody, stop," Rex warned and okay, maybe Cody did get a little carried away. He wouldn't do that even to the twins. But it made him remember Rex when he was no older than Wooley is now. He was fascinated with Rex's blond hair when he first saw him and he used to show off his brother because Rex was just so damn cute.

"Okay. Now tell me, how was the date?"

I rewrote that flashback multiple times but it still sounds so stupid but I wanted to put it there. I'm sorry for that, it sounds like my essays from primary school but I just couldn't write it better, I don't know.

Cody learns to loveWhere stories live. Discover now