Chapter 28: Her Last Phalanx Bone

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Meanwhile, at the Pearson residence.

Stella's room was utterly trashed, barely any space to stand.

Her recently fawning "friends" had called to inform her about the campus forum post. Only then did Stella realize she had accidentally touched her screen that day, sending those audio recordings to the class group chat!

Recalling the looks from her classmates at the birthday party, Stella's face burned with humiliation.

To make matters worse, someone dared to spread this to the campus forums.

If she hadn't gotten the admins to censor it, who knows how many would have seen it!

When leaving the banquet hall earlier, even Kevin had seemed cold towards her. She couldn't squander this hard-earned opportunity!

Just then, Stella's phone rang - it was her 'friend' calling, "Stella, that's back up!"

Stella's heart skipped a beat, and she could hardly control her shaking.

She quickly refreshed her computer screen and indeed, the post had resurfaced!

Moreover, the whole school was treating it like a celebration, swarming to anonymously comment. In just a few minutes, there were already over ten thousand replies!

Shaking with rage, Stella made a call, "Dean Mitchell, how is that post back up again?"

Mitchell seemed just as puzzled, "We saw it too. We're looking into the technical issue - the other party must have skilled hackers. We're still working on a solution."

Stella's temples throbbed, "Then hire your own hackers! Dean Mitchell, don't forget how you got your position in the first place!"

However, even with hired hackers on their side, they were powerless.

Two hours later, that damning post still hung atop the hottest threads, completely immovable!

At the same time, at the Thorn residence, Olivia was still struggling to recall her memories, but felt like her mind was shrouded in a thick haze.

She had forgotten so much, and what she did remember was largely inaccurate.

That's why in her previous life, she never doubted her uncle's family or Evan Nolan, leading to that disastrous outcome.

Now, she felt like just the tip of the iceberg of her past had been uncovered, catching a glimpse of her former self!

Footsteps sounded behind her.

Olivia turned to see Damien approaching.

He held something out to her, "Liv, help me put this on."

Olivia looked and was surprised to see Damien's pendant necklace.

Between the twin wolf fang carvings, a small egg-shaped pebble had been added.

The pebble was threaded through and carved into a smooth, exquisite heart shape.

Olivia instantly recalled the last scene from her previous life.

Except this time it was a stone, but before it had been her own final phalanx bone!

"Damien, why do you enjoy carving so much?" Olivia heard her own voice tremble slightly.

She didn't know why, but cradling that stone felt like holding her former self.

She wanted to ask him why he was so obsessively attached to her.

However, Damien was not a reincarnated soul - he had no memories of a past life and couldn't understand Olivia's meaning.

Faced with her question, his expression turned slightly uncomfortable as he stiffly replied:

"It's hollow inside."

Olivia paused blankly for a moment.

Then, in a flash of realization, she understood.

"So there's a tracking device inside it too?" Olivia asked in shock.

Damien took Olivia's phone, quickly installed an app, and handed it back to her.

Olivia looked at the screen to see two nearby dots - one blue, one red.

The man beside her commanded firmly:

"Liv, from now on, you'll monitor me as well."

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