Chapter 52: Addiction

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"Fine" Damien Thorne replied, masking his inner turmoil.

Only god knows the struggle he had in allowing her to meet that man!

Thus, when Olivia went downstairs at two o'clock that afternoon, Damien once again found himself in a foul mood.

There was a wound check scheduled for 2:30 pm, but no one dared approach the formidable aura surrounding the man in the room.

Two medical assistants eyed him warily from the doorway, whispering to each other.

"Do you think Mr. Thorn has gone mad? Should we tell the doctor to give him some sedatives?"

"His medication already has sedative components. In theory, he should be quite drowsy today. But ever since he woke up this morning, he hasn't slept a wink!"

"To be honest, Mr. Thorn is devilishly handsome, it's just a pity he's so frightening. I tremble every time I get close to him. Do you think the rumours about him being a cannibalistic serial killer are true?"

"Quite possibly. Just look at how he's been glaring at the door like a wild animal ever since that lady left!"

"Perhaps we'd better not do the check-up today, who knows what he might do if he snaps?"

"Agreed, he seems energetic enough anyway. Let's just fabricate some data and be done with it—"

But they were interrupted by a female voice from behind:

"What's this about falsifying medical records? Is this how you approach your profession?"

The two jumped, startled to find Olivia Carlson standing right behind them.

"When did you arrive?" they stammered, suddenly apprehensive. Just out of elite medical schools as residents, a disciplinary mark could derail their entire careers to become surgeons.

Olivia looked at them coldly. "Ever since you wondered if Damien might go mad."

She waved her phone. "I have your entire conversation recorded!"

She vowed to protect Damien, starting by addressing these slanderous rumours.

Ignoring their pallid expressions, Olivia strode over to Damien's bedside.

The man still radiated agitation.

Olivia sat by his side with a cup of juice, offering the straw to his lips.

"Dami darling, have a taste."

Damien's aura seemed to settle as he accepted the straw, taking a soft sip.

The sweet aroma wafted forth, reminiscent of Olivia's sweet essence.

Damien seldom indulged in sweets, only ever when Olivia fed him.

After he drank, Olivia turned to the assistants.

"What madness? My Damien is the very picture of dashing gentlemanliness, elegant even when sipping juice!"

"A cannibal? With what eyes did you see him eat anyone?"

She nuzzled his cheek playfully.

"See, I can even bite him and he doesn't retaliate. How could he possibly harm anyone?"

The assistants wanted to explain about the rumours, but ultimately kept silent.

Olivia lifted Damien's hand, her tone hardening.

"These hands have been operating solo since he was twenty. Now at twenty-four, he's a world-renowned neurosurgical expert!"

"No matter how busy running his firm, he'll drop everything for emergency surgeries!"

"These hands have saved countless lives, preserved so many families!"

"And what have you accomplished for society, despite being older?"

"You dare slander my Damien? Wait for my formal complaint!"

Olivia's fury cooled somewhat, though indignation still brewed within.

She had just endured a nauseating meeting with Evan Nolan and came upstairs. Now this further insult to her Damien - she would make them regret their slander!

Indeed, the assistants hung their heads in abashment, unable to find words to plead their case.

The room fell into an awkward hush, until Olivia's hand was enveloped in Damien's larger, bandaged grip.

Olivia met his intense gaze. This was the first time she had seen such a look in his eyes - filled with surprise, joy, hurt, and turbulent depths she could scarcely fathom.

She realized then that all these years, her Damien had endured such vile rumour-mongering.

Now with him being strong and powerfl, the gossipers only dared whisper behind his back. But what about in the past? He must have constantly faced such pointed fingers and snide comments.

His instinctive self-rejection, his disbelief when she proclaimed her love yet blind faith in claims of her affair with Evan Nolan - it all stemmed from a profound lack of security.

And that security could not be built overnight; it would take patience for Damien to fully overcome his insecurities after so many years. But Olivia had patience to spare.

So after the check-up, Olivia fetched a mirror and offered it to Damien.

"Dami darling, look how dashing you are - tall, strapping, able to both run a corporation and perform life-saving surgeries!"

Damien seemed to shake off his earlier joy, his piercing eyes locking onto Olivia as a slight severity entered his tone.

"You don't ever need to do anything for me again, Liv. Just stay by my side, and don't ever think of leaving!"

His heart warned - don't treat me too well, or I'll become addicted, grow too demanding. If one day you withdraw your affections, I dare not imagine what I might do...

Olivia could only sigh in resigned amusement, raising a hand in promise as warmth filled her eyes.

"I won't leave you, I promise."

Damien's taut emotions finally eased.

Olivia took his hand. "Now then, let's have a little nap. There'll be a surprise when you wake up."

With that, she closed the narrow gap between their beds.

Damien's body had reached its limits; relaxing, he quickly drifted off to sleep.

But Olivia didn't. Once Damien was fully relaxed, she gently slipped her hand free and fetched her laptop.

Closing her eyes briefly to concentrate, she then opened them and began typing rapidly.

Lines of code danced across the screen, and miles away, something quietly shifted...

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