Chapter 41: I Never Loved Him

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Olivia's heart was heavy with worry, but she couldn't show it.

She slowly lifted her gaze to meet Henry's eyes. "He's your brother. Do you really wish for his death?"

Henry laughed, a cruel laugh. "Death would be too easy. We've been at odds for so many years, why let him off so lightly?"

He shook the syringe in his hand. "In a moment, I'll inject him with something. We can watch his reaction together. How about that?"

Olivia's heart sank. Her worst fears were coming true.

If it was a fight, Damien might still have a chance. But if they injected him with something right from the start...

Now, she was almost certain that the person collaborating with Evan Nolan was indeed Henry.

Evan must have seen that Damien had been fine these past few days and concluded that the powder he had Olivia give Damien wasn't potent enough. So today, he planned to increase the dosage.

In her past life, Damien's frequent disappearances were due to this drug.

Now, in this new life, would he still be unable to escape his fate?

Hatred and defiance surged in Olivia's eyes. She wouldn't let these people succeed!

She had already implicated Damien once. In this life, she wouldn't drag him down again!

Olivia had a plan...

Damien arrived even faster than they had expected, the sound of tyres screeching outside the factory door announced his arrival.

Then, the car door opened and footsteps rapidly approached.

At this moment, Olivia spoke up. "Henry, if you treat me like this, Evan won't spare you!"

Henry was taken aback and instinctively replied, "Him? How would he know about this? But it seems my dear brother is here for you!"

Olivia suppressed her sorrow, her tone casual:

"Are you talking about Damien Thorn? He's such a fool. Even though he knows I don't like him, and that I'm only with him for show, he still comes running! Why does he have to come looking for me?"

Outside the abandoned factory, Damien Thorn was surrounded by twenty of Henry Thorn's men. Hearing Olivia's words, a fragile wound split open in his already red eyes.

Henry laughed. "My foolish brother, he usually protects you so well, but he never expected me to act in his office! Tsk tsk, today was too easy!"

Olivia, annoyed, said, "Get what you need from me and let me go! Evan loves me dearly, if he finds out you treated me like this, he'll avenge me! He's the current heir of the Nolan family, but you haven't gained control of the Thorn family yet! Even if you topple Damien Thorn, there's still your uncle. Do you think he'll let you take over so easily?"

"Ha, I didn't expect my dear 'sister-in-law' to know so much!" Henry mocked, his eyes filled with venom. "Since you're so smart, why not join me after today?"

Olivia sneered. "I only love Evan. I should thank you for dealing with Damien Thorn; otherwise, I wouldn't know when I'd be free!"

She continued with disdain in her voice:

"Damien Thorn is laughable. I never loved him. If he didn't come here, your plan would have no effect on him! You and Evan are allies, so you would naturally release me! His coming here is completely unnecessary! If I were him, I'd turn around and leave immediately!"

Olivia finished, silently praying:

"Damien, did you hear my last words? Don't let me be your weakness! The less you care about me, the less he can harm you, and he probably won't trouble me either! Just pretend to leave in anger after hearing the truth! I'll be fine!"

However, the next second, the factory door was forcefully pushed open!

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