Chapter 37: When Your Fiancée Comes to Check Up on You

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As Olivia passed by a florist, she bought a bouquet of flowers and then picked up a cheesecake from a nearby patisserie.

Walking into the Thorn Group headquarters, the receptionist noticed the flowers and cake in Olivia's hands. Her eyes revealed a hint of understanding, but she still asked, "Miss, whom are you here to see?"

While speaking, she scrutinised Olivia closely.

Olivia was dressed casually, without any designer labels. Though her face was naturally pretty and youthful, she still likes someone coming to see an acquaintance.

Sure enough, Olivia replied, "I'm here to see Mr. Thorn."

"Which Mr. Thorn?" The receptionist's eyes were now tinged with disdain.

The Thorn family was currently led by Damien Thorn, but his uncle and cousin also held vice president positions within the company.

She couldn't imagine Olivia knowing Damien Thorn. After all, he was notorious for his cold demeanor and emotional detachment, rarely seen with any women around him.

Moreover, Damien's uncle and cousin were already engaged, so it was clear Olivia wasn't here for them.

Olivia noticed the receptionist's contempt but remained calm and composed. "My name is Olivia Carlson. I'm here to see Damien Thorn. Could you please inform his assistant, Martin?"

The receptionist, now openly dismissive, sneered, "Miss Carlson, do you have an appointment?"

Olivia shook her head. "No, but if you inform Martin, he'll know."

The receptionist rolled her eyes. "Sorry, our company has its rules. We don't notify Mr. Thorn's assistant for just anyone. Otherwise, Mr. Thorn and Martin would be overwhelmed with trivial visits."

Olivia, unperturbed, moved to a nearby sofa and sent a message to Damien.

"Dami, your fiancée is here to check up on you."


Top Floor, CEO's Office

The shareholders' meeting that morning had been tense. Brandon Thorn deliberately absented himself, while Damien's cousin and brother tried to stir trouble. Damien had swiftly suppressed their attempts, though the atmosphere remained strained.

At this moment, the financial director was reporting last quarter's earnings. Spotting an error, Damien tapped his fingers on the table.

"Mr. Taylor, are you certain they offered an 8% discount?"

The financial director, meeting Damien's gaze, remembered how Damien's cousin had been carried out earlier that day. His heart pounded. "Mr. Thorn, I-I'll double-check..."

Just then, a phone notification sounded.

Everyone froze, instinctively looking around to see who dared to leave their phone on during a meeting with Damien Thorn.

To their surprise, Damien picked up his phone with his elegant fingers.

What followed stunned everyone. Damien's face registered a rare expression of surprise.

This was already extraordinary, but what happened next was even more astonishing.

Damien's lips seemed to curve... Was he smiling?

Their formidable boss, smiling?

While everyone wondered if they were seeing things, Damien stood up, throwing out a curt, "Meeting adjourned for ten minutes."

With that, he turned and walked out.

Entering the lift, Damien's heart was racing.

His fiancée had just informed him she was here, and his tracking app showed she was only forty metres away!

The lift swiftly reached the ground floor, and Damien immediately spotted Olivia in the lounge area.

She saw him too and ran over with the flowers in her arms. "Dami, look what I brought for you!"

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