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vote and COMMENT!! pretty plzTW: verbal abuse from parents✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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vote and COMMENT!! pretty plz
TW: verbal abuse from parents
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Yunho returned to class feeling awkward as he sat down beside Mingi who didn't spare a glance at him. Why did he do that?

"You okay?" Seonghwa asked, noticing Yunho's red eyes and Yunho nodded dismissively. The male's question made him remember he still had to tell his parents about what happened.

"I'm just a bit tired." Yunho lied. He knew Seonghwa was the type to pry and worry so he was thankful that the teacher walked in at that moment.

"Alright, I've graded all of your mock tests. Come get yours when I call your name." He announced.

Yeosang shrunk in his seat, "I just know I did so bad."

"We studied together at Crown Cafe for hours though..." Seonghwa looked at him curiously.

"I wasn't paying attention," Yeosang admitted softly, "But in my defense, I saw the cutest guy-"

Seonghwa facepalmed. Yunho watched the two interact in front of him while trying to take his mind off the stress.

The teacher finally called Yeosang's name and looked at him with disappointment.

Yeosang groaned getting up to get his paper and seeing all the red marks decorating the page. "This sucks."

"We'll study harder next time." Seonghwa patted him on the head.

Yunho's name was called and he got up to grab his paper, relieved to see that he hadn't missed a single question. Maybe I can cushion their disappointment with good grades. He sighed and placed the paper on his desk.

Mingi glanced over at the paper and resisted the urge to roll his eyes. No wonder this guy was so upset about the solo, he's a perfectionist. He probably looks down on everyone too. So cocky.

Seonghwa turned around in his seat to face Yunho, "What'd you get for this question?" He asked and Yunho answered, explaining his process in detail and helping Seonghwa to understand why he got it wrong.

Mingi watched the trio interact for a moment before turning away. It was obvious that the three of them were very close. He couldn't help but wish he didn't have to move around so much so he could've made a strong friendship like that for himself.

"That's enough test discussion, let's get back to the lesson for today."

The class resumed and Mingi noticed how attentive his seatmate was when it came to taking notes in an organized way and retaining the information. Wow.. he's really a nerd. Mingi smirked to himself before facing the front again.

The rest of the school day went by uneventfully and Mingi found himself growing accustomed to the school. Yunho on the other hand spent the day rebuilding his resolve. He wanted to talk to the orchestra teacher and find out why he wasn't selected despite his perfect performance.

Halcyon | YunGi | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now