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smut chapter >:)✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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smut chapter >:)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Yunho and Mingi exchanged rings, staring into each other's eyes with smiles that refused the small. Mingi couldn't help but admire the way Yunho's were filled with happy tears that threatened to spill.

The two of them were finally tying the knot at a destination wedding they planned in Bali. Mingi's proposal had been caught by some fans and by the next day, everyone was theorizing when the couple was going to get married.

They both decided they were less likely to face fans if they traveled, so Bali it was. The two were surrounded by all of their close friends, and while the lack of family members was felt, the unwavering support of their friends was enough to fill that void.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband." The officiant spoke and Mingi, feeling like he'd been deprived of his lover for too long, pulled Yunho in for a deep intimate kiss. 

Yunho held on to Mingi to keep his legs from buckling because of how passionate their kiss was. The two of them pulled away to see their audience of friends clapping and cheering for them. The two walked down the aisle hand in hand, feeling the love and warmth of their guests.

An hour later, the couple found themselves at the reception, "Ready to toss your bouquet?"Mingi asked, holding Yunho's hand. 

"Yes~" He replied happily, before he counted down, his back turned to his friends, "Three.. two.. one.." He tossed the bouquet he was holding behind him and watched as his friends raced to catch it, and failed, the bouquet landing in San's lap. 

Wooyoung screamed beside him and hugged the male tightly, making Yunho laugh. 

"Sannie! You better propose properly!" Wooyoung said, shaking the bouquet in San's face eagerly.

"I already have a plan, calm down." He smiled, pulling Wooyoung in for a gentle kiss.

"I can't wait to attend another wedding~" Yeosang gushed happily and Jongho started thinking about a potential wedding between himself and his boyfriend. 

The reception had started to wind down and Yunho was thankful, "How're you feeling?" Mingi asked, holding Yunho's hand as they shared a slice of cake.

"Honestly? A bit overwhelmed by everyone here. I kinda wanna go back to the hotel room and sleep so I can wake up and begin our honeymoon tomorrow."

"Me too," Mingi leaned in kissing Yunho on the nose lightly.


Yunho hung up his phone and sighed, lying down on the hotel sofa in boredom. The night was still young, yet his husband was taking a long nap because they'd spent their first few days on their honeymoon wandering around until late at night and he was tired. 

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