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:D not the happiest chapter oopsi..
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Yunho stood to the side tiredly, watching as attendants and crew members scurried around the room to continue setting up. Amidst the chaos was his Mingi, sitting down in a chair and getting his makeup done. He always stands out so beautifully. Yunho thought to himself, feeling proud that the man was his boyfriend.

"You look well rested," The assistant director said to Mingi, noting the refreshed look on his face.

"I am," Mingi replied. He glanced over at Yunho, noting the sleepy state he was in, "Can you guys get him a chair to sit in? Isn't it rude that my manager is standing?"

The woman seemed confused and waved an assistant over, "Get him a chair." She demanded, gesturing towards Yunho.

Yunho looked over at Mingi and the male shrugged, acting as if he wasn't the reason Yunho was tired that morning. In his defense though, Yunho was irresistible.

"Is the setup almost done? We want to start early," The assistant director called towards the staff, walking away from Mingi.

Mingi beckoned Yunho over, "Do you need something, Mr.Song?" Yunho asked.

Mingi quirked an eyebrow and looked up at Yunho, his face glowing and eyes looking sharp with the eyeliner and red eyeshadow around it. "That's kinda hot."

The makeup artist hiccuped, "I-I think you're good to go!" She exclaimed before rushing off.

Yunho blushed, "Seriously, Min?"

Mingi shrugged, "You barely ever call me that, it's kinda hot and authoritative when you do," He discreetly grabbed Yunho's hand, "If I could, I'd pull you to sit in my lap right now."

Yunho rolled his eyes, "Focus and work hard so we can do that later."

"Yes sir," Mingi said and got up.

"W-wait what did you call me over for?" Yunho asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see your face up close," Mingi said before walking off. Yunho stared after the male and fanned his face. Whose idea was it to have his promotional photos be him shirtless?

...I should buy the album. He watched Mingi as he posed and caught Yunho's eye, winking at him.

Yunho looked around, making sure no one saw him and he swore Mingi smirked at that. So annoyingly hot... Yunho thought to himself as sat down in the chair that was brought for him and watched Mingi pose effortlessly.

"Perfect, Mingi!" The photographer yelled.

The rest of the photoshoot went by quickly and the couple found themselves sitting in the company van on the way to the company to meet with the company director and Investor Oh. "They could've at least given us a bit of time in between my photoshoot. I didn't get to wash off my makeup," Mingi grumbled.

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