「 30 」

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🤨 def told yall to comment last chap

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def told yall to comment last chap..
and U DIDN'T!
ghost readers.. >:T
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"Is this actually Mingi, or is it edited?" CEO Ahn asked, looking at the photograph. The quality was good enough that it was easy to tell that Mingi was the man on top, but the angle made it hard to determine who Mingi was kissing.

"Yes, it is him," his secretary confirmed, "We tracked him down after he left his hotel and found him on the beach kissing some unidentified man. I couldn't stick around because hotel security caught on to me."

"What about the article draft?"

"That's done too, as of this morning."

"Good. Send him a message," The man demanded, leaning back in his leather chair, "Tell him he should meet with me if he doesn't want his sexuality leaked." 

His secretary nodded, pulling out his phone to draft the message while her boss continued to stare at the picture. 

He felt a twinge of jealousy brew at the thought of Mingi picking this random man to kiss over him. I'll make him regret rejecting me and my company.. besides, I have so much more to offer him with connections compared to Oh.

"The message has been sent. Also, you have a meeting today in a few hours with someone from KQ."

"What did they want to meet with me for?"

"Not sure, I can have it canceled if you want."

"I'll meet with them for a bit, if I think it's a waste of time I'll let send them out."

His secretary nodded and left the room, leaving the man to think about his plan for Mingi.


"I'm so happy to be home~" Mingi sighed, relaxing on their bed while Yunho continued to unpack their things.

"Minnie. Why am I the only one unpacking?" Yunho asked.

"No clue~ come lay down with me. We just got back home, we can do it later!"

"Not yet," Yunho scolded him playfully before getting up and taking the clothes they had worn to the laundry room. Mingi was about to get up and join him when his phone buzzed.

Fix-on caught having a Homosexual
Rendevous in public? 
<img attached>
<pdf attached>

Come to this address today
and maybe this image can be

Mingi sat up in bed in shock at the messages, what the hell? He opened the image and saw it was blurred where his and Yunho's heads were. How much did they see? How many pictures of us did they take?

"Min~ where did you put the detergent?" Yunho called, snapping Mingi out of his anxious thoughts.


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