「 19 」

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no comments. las chap. >:(
smut this chap! >:D
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"Yun?" Mingi asked as he drove the car back to their apartment, "Are you upset?"

"No," Yunho replied, looking out the window and not holding Mingi's hand which was resting on his thigh.

Mingi frowned, "You've barely said anything the entire drive."

Yunho could hear the hurt in Mingi's voice and relented, "Sorry. I just.. I got really annoyed seeing that guy all over you earlier." He murmured, "Do you know him?"

Mingi's grip on the steering wheel got a little firmer, "I did."

"Did you.. sleep with him?" Yunho asked softly, almost scared to hear the answer. He knew Mingi had been with others while they were apart, but it still hurt a bit to think about it. Especially when these people were all so famous and attractive too.

"I.. I did." Mingi said, guilt seeping into him. He wasn't with Yunho but it still felt like he'd betrayed him, "He approached me because I blocked him."


"I rejected him, Yun." Mingi assured the male, "I blocked and deleted everyone before we got together because I didn't want anyone to think I was still available."

"I see."

"I'm sorry." Mingi apologized and Yunho shook his head.

"It was before we got together, there's not much I can do except get over it," He said, trying to quell the pang of jealousy, And besides... I was the one who said we should keep things private.

Mingi pushed at his piercing in discomfort, trying to think of a way to make the mood shift for the better. He glanced at Yunho before turning to the road again, "Still... I want you to be able to come to me and tell me when you're bothered."

Yunho nodded, reaching his hand down to hold Mingi's, "I'm trying.. You know this is all new to me Min."

"I know." Mingi brought Yunho's hand to his lips, kissing the back of it gently, "I'll try my best to read you a bit better too." He checked the time on the dashboard, "It's not too late, we can go out for dinner if you want Yun."

"That'd be nice," Yunho said, squeezing Mingi's hand gently and feeling the genuine care Mingi had for him. 

Two hours later Yunho and Mingi ran back to the male's car soaking wet and laughing. "I didn't know it was supposed to rain!" Mingi exclaimed, unlocking the car door and rushing inside with Yunho. The couple had finished their dinner at a fancy sushi restaurant and were taking a walk together when it suddenly started to rain.

Yunho couldn't stop laughing at the sight of Mingi drenched in water. "I didn't either, this is so funny."

Mingi playfully glared at his boyfriend, "Not at all."

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