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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Mingi stepped outside his apartment, shutting the door behind himself as he sighed. He kept imagining Yunho underneath him from the moment he went to sleep to the moment he woke up and it was taking a toll on him.

The male could be honest with himself, he slept with Yunho because he wanted to. It was only afterward, sitting on the edge of the bed, that he remembered why he hated Yunho in the first place. He began to wonder if this was all a part of some new trick so the male could use him again.

Even still, his heart was betraying his skeptical mind. He couldn't help but wish he'd stayed the night just to experience waking up next to Yunho.

This isn't like me. Mingi thought to himself as he brushed his teeth in the mirror.

His thoughts were bothering him so much that he decided to go for a run just to clear his head before breakfast. And it did help, for a moment. But when he got home and saw Yunho leaving his apartment, everything came back to him.

The frustration he felt with himself from his feelings returning, the fact that he enjoyed the sex, the memory of Yunho saying such terrible things about him.. it made him feel like he had to do something. It was just unfortunate that the something was telling Yunho he disliked him.

Mingi noted how Yunho's smile faltered. He could hear, despite the brightness Yunho forced into his tone, just how hurt he really was.

Mingi went back into his apartment, pausing in the entryway after he got inside. I shouldn't feel bad. He was probably going to pretend nothing happened anyway. Mingi went to make breakfast, trying to distract himself from his frustration.

He spent the entire day lounging around his house and texting his friends. Both of them were gushing about Yunho's friends causing him to think about Yunho once again.

You should've been there!
Yeosangie is so fking funny 
and he can drink really well!!

I secured a date with the pretty
and quiet one~

It took everything in Mingi to not text them that he didn't want to hear about it. Pissed, Mingi shut off his phone. It was like the universe wanted him to think of Yunho despite the male's actions in the past. I hate this. Mingi decided to spend the weekend trying to be the version of himself he was before meeting Yunho again. 

He met a few people while bar hopping casually with Wooyoung again, and despite how easy it used to be for him to get into a scandal, he was subconsciously aware of how it'd harm Yunho if he got into any more trouble. He was close to sleeping with someone else too but the moment they got undressed, Mingi couldn't help but think about when he spent the night with Yunho

He sent them away, giving them money for an Uber, and laid on his bed feeling exhausted. Nothing compared to the way Yunho clung to him and looked at him with such longing and desire.

Halcyon | YunGi | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now