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:D 3.4k word finale~
Comment a lot pretty pls!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Yunho looked over at Mingi after checking the male's story, "Min, the internet doesn't have to know that you and I fucked on our honeymoon."

Mingi smiled innocently, "What are you talking about?" He asked and Yunho turned his phone around to show Mingi his post.

A week had passed since their honeymoon, and Mingi had decided to post a shirtless mirror selfie he'd taken in the hotel that revealed his back, and as a result, some of the scratch marks Yunho had left behind.

"Do you want me to take it down?" Mingi asked, playing with their cat Miyu. She was running in circles around the coffee table before returning to playfully attack Mingi's leg as he sat on the couch beside Yunho.

"..No," Yunho answered, putting his phone down and resting his head on Mingi's shoulder.

Miyu finally started to try and climb Mingi's sweatpants and he picked her up, resting her in his lap as he petted her and calmed her down. "I'm just letting the world know we're happy and in love."

Yunho hummed, "Fair."

Miyu scrambled out of Mingi's embrace to sit in Yunho's lap.

"Why doesn't she ever wanna cuddle me?" Mingi whined and Yunho smirked, picking up their fur baby and kissing her face before setting her back down in his lap.

"You always tease her," Yunho said, hugging Miyu close and feeling her curl up against him and begin to purr.

"That's not true," Mingi huffed, petting Miyu's head as she started to sleep on Yunho.

The two of them stared at their sleeping cat and Yunho suddenly spoke up, "I think we're great cat dads."

Mingi nodded in agreement, caressing Miyu still.

"I want a kid, Min." Yunho blurted out, and Mingi's hand froze.

Mingi turned to face Yunho who was still nervously avoiding eye contact.

"Really?" Mingi asked, trying to contain himself. He'd wanted to bring this up too, but he thought it was too soon.

"I've thought about this for a while actually. I think we have what it takes to provide for a child. I just don't know about timing because I kinda just started my career," Yunho rambled.

Mingi relaxed against their couch in thought, "I think we should give it a year or two so you can cement your career. But for now, we can look into it," he suggested, "And to be clear, I would love to have a child with you."

Yunho finally turned to Mingi, a smile on his face, "We're gonna have a baby?"

Mingi nodded, "We're gonna have a baby, Yun."

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