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Mingi sat in the meeting room across from CEO Hwang, Director Lim, and Investor Oh, alongside both his and Yunho's managers, pushing at his piercing in irritation and stress. Yunho was beside him, his hoodie secured around his face tightly because he didn't want them to see how much he'd been crying. 

An emergency meeting had been called ever since the first article went live and hundreds of other news outlets started following in the footsteps of the original. Fans were taking clips of their performances on stage, and pointing out how close they were when Yunho was his manager.

The couple struggled trying to get into the building because of the paparazzi that was surrounding both their apartment and the company hoping for a comment from either of them.

"So.. since when has this been a thing?" Director Lim asked curiously, looking between the two artists.

"A couple of months now," Mingi replied honestly, "Does it really matter?"

"Well.. given the fact that same-sex couples aren't supported here, this is a big deal. People say you've thrown away your career and that Yunho is another conquest," Director Lim said.

Mingi groaned, sitting back in his chair, "I haven't been in a scandal since he and I got together. Shouldn't people be happy? Besides it's not even their business seeing as Yunho and I have kept it under wraps. The stalker CEO from Stellar Entertainment should be in trouble, not us."

"It's just that your fans see you differently now, meaning their support could waver," CEO Hwang Interjected, "This is even more damaging to Yunho as he's just debuted and found himself in a scandal so quickly. He doesn't have a fanbase that's as diehard as yours because they've barely gotten the chance to know him."

Yunho felt sick as he bowed his head, "I'm so sorry," he whispered, "We shouldn't have gone outside it's all my fault-"

"No, it isn't," Mingi interrupted him firmly and grabbed his hand, "I was the one who wanted to go out at night."

"We have considered releasing a statement to get everyone off your backs, but given that you two went on tour together, it won't be easy to simply dismiss the pictures," Investor Oh explained.

"Then what should we do?" Mingi asked, "I don't care what happens to me but I worry about Yunho."

"After consulting with the media team.. we think it'd be best for you two to just be honest about it and act like it's not a big deal," Director Lim concluded. The others nodded in agreement.

Mingi stared at them, in shock, "You just said-"

"I know what I said. This is the only way to control the narrative. You can show the media how genuine your affection is for each other."

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