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haiiii✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧《 Past 》

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
《 Past 》

The rest of the school year went by agonizingly slow for Yunho. Every time he caught sight of Mingi he felt a longing and heartache he'd never had before. He cried himself to sleep most nights because of how isolated and lonely he felt since he was unable to talk to anyone outside of school.

It was bad enough that he was under constant surveillance when he was at home, but his parents made it even worse by making sure his teachers were in on it and watching him at all times at school too.

Soon, the moments he'd had with Mingi started to feel like a dream that faded away the moment he woke up.

"Your University Interview is tomorrow, you better be ready." His mother said, interrupting Yunho from the practice he was doing in his room.

"I am," Yunho replied calmly.

"Go to bed now, I'd hate for you to wake up late and fuck up everything at the last moment." She said, turning around and shutting the door behind her.

Yunho put his violin down and sat at his desk chair, laying his head down on the desk. Maybe when I get my phone back... I should try to reach out to him.. would he even want to hear from me?

Yunho's head started to fill with thoughts that kept making him sad. This is so pathetic. He got up to get ready for bed. The male tried to scrap his thoughts and went to wash up. It's been over a month, he wants nothing to do with you so get over it.

The male returned to his room, shut off the lights, and lay down on his bed while staring up at the ceiling. I miss him. He rolled over and tried to sleep.

The verbal interview went exactly as Yunho had predicted the next day, but when it came time for him to perform his musical piece, he found himself feeling like a nervous mess. I've come this far... I just need to get it together.

"Do you need a moment?" The interviewer asked and Yunho shook his head. He'd been trying to avoid thinking about the male, but he knew if he wanted to get through this, he'd have to.

Yunho took a deep breath, trying to recall the last time he played with Mingi. Finally, he started to play, hoping that Mingi would hear his voice.

When Yunho finished the performance, there were tears streaming down his face from his silent crying. He quickly realized where he was, "S-Sorry." He fanned at his warm face.

The interviewer smiled kindly, handing him napkins and thanking him for a beautiful performance.

A few weeks later, Yunho got into the school his parents desired and for the first time in what felt like years, they smiled at him. Yunho vividly remembered reading the acceptance letter and feeling numb. Though his mother hugged him, and his father patted him on the back, he couldn't feel a thing.

Halcyon | YunGi | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now