「 6 」

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there's a short timeskip and a large timeskip! but that doesn't mean we will forget about the past :3

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there's a short timeskip and a large
 timeskip! but that doesn't mean
we will forget about the past :3

anyways be sure to vote and comment~ reactions accepted too hehe
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Yunho ended up finishing the last class of the day before eight, but for some reason, he still wanted to text Mingi. Throughout his classes, his hands were itching to pick up his phone and talk to the blonde male all day. 

I'm done with classes for today
you don't need to come back for
dinner with me.

is this your way of telling me u hate me
</3 im so sad 

Yunho felt himself grow flustered. He could practically hear the teasing in Mingi's tone. The male paused, looking around and seeing that no one else was nearby.

Shut up.
I want to call you.

As soon as he sent the message, Mingi's contact was showing up on his screen for an incoming call. Yunho smiled at that.

"Hi, Mingi." Yunho spoke first, the smile evident in his voice. Mingi held back the urge to ask to video call. It was too soon in his mind.

"Hey. Are you on your way home?" Mingi asked, and Yunho could hear that Mingi was outside.

"Yeah, I have to take a bus back because my parents suddenly changed their mind about taking me home." Yunho kicked at a tiny pebble on the sidewalk as he walked.

"Do you want to talk to me while you walk to the bus?" Mingi asked, "Cos I'm walking to a bus stop too."

"That would be very nice," Yunho admitted, "It's kind of like we're walking together." 

Mingi felt his heart race just a bit more and it was so unfamiliar to him. Mingi squinted in the distance, seeing a familiar figure. "Yunho."


"You were wearing a dark green hoodie, right?"


"I think I see you."

Yunho froze, looking around him for a glimpse of Mingi. He could hear Mingi laughing on the phone.

"You look funny, spinning around trying to find me."

"Where are you?"

"Across the street dummy." He said and Yunho's eyes settled on Mingi. The male hung up and waited for Mingi to get to him.

"Isn't this a fun little coincidence?" Mingi asked, ruffling Yunho's hair.

Yunho playfully smacked Mingi's hand away, "Were you going to pick me up?"

"Honestly no. But I'm glad things turned out this way." Mingi said, just craving for even a little more kinship with Yunho.

"Where were you just now?" Yunho asked. He was walking so close to Mingi that their hands kept brushing against each other.

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