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yayy update!!if yall want more updates then u shld commentso i feel like ppl are reading

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yayy update!!
if yall want more updates then u shld comment
so i feel like ppl are reading .
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Yunho sat down in the audience watching Mingi finish up the practice for his last song. The setlist had Yunho opening, Mingi performing, and then they would perform Youth somewhere in between before Mingi closed the show with a few encores. The song ended and Mingi looked around for Yunho before getting off stage and going to him.

Yunho handed Mingi a bottle of water after his tech rehearsal, causing Mingi to smile, "Were you waiting for me?" 

"No," Yunho rolled his eyes playfully as he got up, admiring his boyfriend's casual outfit, "I like when you wear grey sweats, but I don't think you should wear them in public. You look too good." 

"You're so cute," Mingi ruffled Yunho's hair and the male blushed, "Where should we go for the next hour?"

"I'm a little hungry but I don't want to eat too much before we go on stage," Yunho spoke, still contemplating.

"Let's just walk around then," Mingi said. The two of them went backstage, ready to leave together until Iseul and Jihwan stopped them, "What is it now?" Mingi asked, wrapping an arm around Yunho's shoulders.

"You realize you have a show tonight, right? A lot of your fans are gonna be in the city so we'll be going wherever you two go."

Mingi stared at Jihwan, noticing the hickeys on the male's neck, "Wouldn't you two be happier going around alone? It looks like you had a lot of fun doing that yesterday."

Iseul blushed, "Th-this is our job. We're here to make sure everything runs smoothly. Especially since you two have your first concert today."

Mingi was about to complain when Yunho spoke up, "Then let's all go out to eat together." He decided, walking ahead and effectively pulling Mingi with him outside as their managers walked behind them.

"Yun~" Mingi whined, "I don't want to go with them."

"Min, there are so many stops on this tour, we'll have so much time together," He turned and leaned in closer, "Can't you just be a good boy?"

Mingi flinched, quickly bringing a hand up to cover the ear Yunho whispered into and blushing. Yunho looked at him, raising an eyebrow in confusion, "What?"

"Nothing," Mingi got in the car first. Why did he say it like that? The male thought to himself.

"You reacted so weirdly," Yunho said, sitting in the seat beside Mingi as their managers got in the front seats.

"I didn't," Mingi placed his chin in the palm of his hand and looked out the window, ears red. Yunho hummed, not believing him at all but deciding to leave the male alone and pulling out his phone to scroll through Instagram mindlessly.

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