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haiiiii guys how are u todayim good :Pghost readers react ty ^_^✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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haiiiii guys how are u today
im good :P
ghost readers react ty ^_^
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Yunho knocked on Mingi's door holding a brown paper bag filled with different breakfast items. "Hold on~" Mingi's voice came from behind the door. The two of them had been dating for just over a week and had fallen into the groove of starting all of their workdays together. 

As much as Mingi asked for Yunho to sleep over every day, Yunho knew he had to exercise restraint or they'd never get out of bed.

A shirtless Mingi opened the door to see Yunho smiling at him, "Good morning." Yunho spoke as Mingi grabbed his hand and pulled him inside.

"Good morning to you too." He kissed Yunho on the lips as if he hadn't seen Yunho in ages, "Your lip gloss tastes good." Yunho blushed and pushed him off gently, making Mingi laugh.

"I'm almost done getting dressed, you can start eating first," Mingi said as he pulled away and went back to his room.

Feeling flustered, Yunho grabbed plates from Mingi's cabinets and set them down at the kitchen table. He'd just finished setting up when Mingi returned, "What's on the agenda today?" Mingi asked, sitting down across from his boyfriend.

"For the morning, we're going over a few of your songs, and then later there's a social event with investors and influencers that you also have to attend."

Mingi sighed at that.

"What?" Yunho asked, taking a sip of his latte.

"They're so annoying," Mingi grumbled, cutting up a piece of his crepe and feeding it to Yunho.

Yunho looked at Mingi curiously while he chewed.

"They all talk down on my music and make really weird demands of me. Most of them didn't think I was capable of succeeding on my own and wanted to make shitty contracts that would only hurt me in the long run."

"That's weird. I think they saw your potential and wanted to trap you by making you think you weren't that good," Yunho pinched Mingi's cheek, "Of course, my boyfriend was too talented to fall for that."

Mingi blushed, pushing Yunho's hand away shyly, "You're coming with me to the event, right?"

"I was told I didn't have to. Do you want me to?" Yunho asked, finishing the food on his plate.

"Yes. Please come Yun." Mingi pleaded, "It'll actually be bearable for once, and I can talk to you the entire time instead of them."

"I don't have anything nice to wear," Yunho admitted.

"How much time do we have in between the event and my music session?" He asked before sipping his Americano.

Yunho pulled out his phone, "Four hours."

Halcyon | YunGi | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now