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《 Past 》

Mingi wasn't a fool. He knew that despite Yunho not saying the words, the male liked him back. But it did hurt a little that Yunho wasn't able to vocalize how he felt. Despite that, he continue to hope that Yunho would confess to him too, even if it took a while.

It was lunchtime, and as usual, Mingi was looking at the dessert options for Yunho. After making a purchase, Mingi stopped by Yunho's lunch table and put a chocolate bar in front of him.

Yunho looked up at him with a shy smile and in return, Mingi smiled back. He honestly wanted to ruffle Yunho's hair but he didn't want to embarrass him too much. The male went back to his table and Yunho looked at him longingly.

"Okay.. he's done this for almost a month now." Yeosang said pointedly, "What is going on?"

"Yeah tell us." Seonghwa crossed his arms, "You practically rush out of class every day and he always follows you. Plus he's buying you snacks.. and I've noticed the songs he puts on his Instagram are ones you've recently been listening to."

Yunho blushed, was it really that obvious? "I can't tell you guys here."

Yeosang stood up and Seonghwa did too. The two of them grabbed Yunho's arms and dragged him to the track outside so they could talk.

"Guys! I didn't even finish my food." Yunho whined and Yeosang tsked.

"I'm sure Mingi will get you something later anyway."

Yunho looked away, Yeosang was right.

"So what is it?"

Yunho fidgeted with his hands, "I didn't see this coming. After the day Mingi became first chair, I apologized to him for what I said and shamelessly asked for help with the violin because the orchestra teacher said I could learn from him. So we met after school to practice." He explained.

Yeosang wasn't budging, "And then?"

"We kept meeting and exchanged numbers... and uh.. we started to call and text a lot. Oh! And he'll come to see me in between my weekend classes so we can get lunch. And then we kissed once after school and now we.. k-keep kissing."

"Oh my gosh." Yeosang nudged him, "You've got a boyfrienddd~"

Seonghwa smiled, "Congrats!"

"Well... not exactly." Yunho looked down at his lap, "He's confessed to me but we haven't put a label on it. I'm worried if we do make it official I'll lose track of my priorities."

Yeosang and Seonghwa sat down with the male on the bleachers, hoping to comfort him. Neither of them was sure what advice they could provide since the situation was entirely up to Yunho in terms of what he thought he could handle when it came to Mingi.

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