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hiii vote and comments~ too many ghost readers it makes me sad ;;✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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hiii vote and comments~
too many ghost readers it makes me sad ;;
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Yunho sat down in the car with his mother and fidgeted in his seat. Despite everything he learned after school with Mingi, the only thing on his mind was Mingi. Mingi's expressions when he played music, Mingi's ability to analyze songs, Mingi's.. soft.. hands..?

Agh.. what am I thinking? Yunho looked down at his phone and checked his planner for the day to refresh his mind on the assignments he had to do. He hesitated before scrolling to the next day and putting Mingi into his calendar for their next after-school session. Even though he teases me a lot.. he is still very helpful. Yunho concluded.

"How was tutoring?" His mother asked him, breaking the silence of the car.

"It went well." Yunho shut his phone off and prepared for a lecture from her.

"Your father and I have been thinking. Since we want you to practice and study more, we've decided to enroll you in private tutoring classes some evenings. And on the weekends, we're going to get you a teacher so you can finally master the guitar and refresh your knowledge of the piano."

Yunho let out the biggest internal sigh. 

"The college entrance exams are after next semester, we can't have you falling second to anyone as you did in the orchestra." She said, "It reflects poorly on me as your mother. Do you know how embarrassed I was to tell your relatives that you no longer had the solo?"

"I'm sorry," Yunho said. It was starting to feel like the only moments where Yunho would have time for himself was when he was at school.

The woman just scoffed and continued to scold him. Yunho turned to look out the window, wishing to be back in the student council room.


The next day at school Yunho arrived at school early to see Mingi at his desk before him. The male had his headphones on and was using his fingers as drumsticks to play along with whatever he was listening to.

Yunho froze in the doorway for a second, trying to figure out how to approach him. Wait this shouldn't be difficult. I'm just sitting down at my desk. The male walked over and sat down beside Mingi. Yunho wasn't sure what he was expecting from Mingi and it made him more nervous.

Mingi suddenly stopped tapping and pulled his headphones down to rest on his neck before he looked over at Yunho. Yunho felt his stomach flip anxiously.

"Why are you here so early?" Yunho asked.

"I wanted to get some homework help from the top of our class," Mingi replied. "You said you were going to help me."

"Oh right, I did," Yunho said as he grabbed his workbook from his bag and placed it on his desk.

Mingi did the same and pulled out a pencil, he could practically feel the tension leave Yunho. I guess yesterday really startled him... Mingi thought to himself, listening to Yunho explain their assignment from the day before.

Halcyon | YunGi | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now