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hiii updated again :Du guys know da drill >:)✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧《 Past 》

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hiii updated again :D
u guys know da drill >:)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
《 Past 》

Yunho rolled over on his bed Saturday evening and stared at his phone. Mingi hadn't texted him once since Friday. The semester was coming to an end and he wanted to spend more time with Mingi before his parents took his phone during exam season. Is he busy? He didn't even come to see me between my classes today. Yunho let go of his phone and rolled onto his back, tears welling up in his eyes and falling down his face.

Maybe he's done with me? Yunho couldn't understand. The two of them had parted on great terms after lunch, so this change in Mingi's demeanor didn't make any sense to him.

"Yunho!" His father's voice yelled through the house. Yunho sat up stiffly, wiping his eyes before running down to see his father in the kitchen.


"Your exams are coming up soon. We need your entire focus to be on your academics and your upcoming performance."

Yunho braced himself for the usual lecture about how important this time was for him.

"As a result, we would like for you to leave your phone at home from now on."

"But.. it's not exam season ye-"

The male silenced his son with a glare, "I see that delinquent you've been around has already started to influence the way you speak to your parents." He crossed his arms, "Shut off your phone and bring it to me."

Yunho tried to keep a neutral face and went upstairs to get it. He checked it once more to see if there were any new messages from Mingi and saw nothing had changed. This is torture.. I'll just explain to him when I get back to school on Monday.

Yunho handed the device to his father and returned to his room, thinking of what he was going to say to Mingi. Maybe.. he heard my parents in the counseling center? He frowned, hoping things could be resolved soon.

Monday eventually rolled around and Yunho entered the classroom to see that Mingi was nowhere in sight. Anxiously, Yunho sat down in his seat, waiting for Mingi to enter the classroom at any moment. But he didn't show up. It was weird because none of Mingi's friends in the classroom seemed to bat an eye at it.

Soon lunch rolled around and Yunho watched Mingi's group of friends leave the classroom together. He was about to follow them when the teacher called for him.


"At the insistence of your parents, Mingi's been moved to a different classroom. I wasn't aware that you'd been getting bullied this entire time! This is stuff you bring up with your teachers." The male patted Yunho on the shoulder, "We all want to see you succeed so we've made it so that his schedule no longer classes with yours by switching his lunch and gym periods around. He won't bother you anymore."

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