「 11 」

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we r like more than a third of the way thru the book :pdo comment and vote and stuffs✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧《 Past 》

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we r like more than a third of the way thru the book :p
do comment and vote and stuffs
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
《 Past 》

Mingi remembered the day vividly. He'd finished his meeting with the counselor and decided he would attempt to get a scholarship at a relatively normal university. He wasn't shooting for the stars, but he hoped it would help him to develop his music skills so he could make a career out of it. If he was lucky he would've been able to make connections with the people who worked there.

To his surprise, the counselor had believed in him and encouraged him to keep walking down the path he'd started. Mingi stood up after the meeting and saw Yunho speaking with his parents. The male looked suffocated.

Mingi left to pick up his guitar from the music room, hoping to cheer up Yunho later on Saturday. He walked in and saw the results on the whiteboard. Mingi was ecstatic to see the result and couldn't wait to hear Yunho play the piece for him firsthand. I'm so proud of him. Mingi thought, leaving the room to grab his phone which he'd left in the classroom. He'd finally gotten back to the room when he realized he didn't grab his guitar.

"Who's Mingi? ... That delinquent from the counseling center? Are you friends with this person?"

"No! Not at all. He's a stranger to me, we just worked together on music. I wouldn't ever be caught associated with someone who carries themself this way. " Yunho's voice came from inside the room.

Mingi's smile was wiped off his face. This is what Yunho thought of him? Even after all the time they'd spent together, he was nothing but a stranger?

Mingi was crushed as he walked away. This is why I don't like letting people get close to me.

《 Present 》

Mingi woke up from his short nap in the car because of the backseat door being slammed shut. He watched Yunho walk into the building looking dazed. What's up with him? Mingi wondered to himself as he got out of the car and into the elevator. Yunho slowly walked in after him.

"Why are you here? Didn't I tell you to take a separate elevator?" Mingi asked and the male didn't reply.

Agitated, Mingi crossed his arms, leaning against the wall. How can seeing one loser for a few minutes cause Yunho to react like this? Mingi pressed the button for their floor before pulling out his phone and looking for his next hookup.

He didn't bother reminding Yunho about food because he doubted the male would hear him anyway. How annoying. The elevator stopped at their floor and Mingi got out first, Yunho slowly trailing behind him.

The blonde looked over his shoulder at Yunho just to check.. check for what? Check to see if he's crying? I don't care even if he is. Mingi got more pissed but this time at himself. He frowned, unlocking his apartment and slamming the door behind him, snapping Yunho out of his daze.

Halcyon | YunGi | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now