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fluff ahead :D commentvoteandstuffs~✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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fluff ahead :D
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Yunho woke up first the next morning around five in the morning, feeling comfortable despite being suffocated in Mingi's arms. He was happy and for some reason, felt like he shouldn't be. Is it too quick? Yunho thought as he rolled over to face Mingi.

Mingi stirred in his sleep softly, pulling Yunho closer. Yunho brought his hands up, cupping Mingi's face and caressing it with his thumbs gently. I don't mind.. we already spent these years apart. I think we deserve to be a little happy now.

He brought his hand up to gently brush his thumb against Mingi's eyebrow piercings. I wonder when he got this second one.

"What are you doing?" Mingi murmured softly, his eyes still closed.

Yunho flinched, "Nothing.." He started pulling his hands away but Mingi stopped him, grabbing his hands, and keeping them steady against his face.

"Keep going, it feels nice," He said.

Yunho blushed, pulling Mingi's face closer and kissing him on the nose. Mingi's hands trailed down to Yunho's waist, pulling him so that the male was straddling him. Mingi finally opened his eyes, looking into Yunho's.

"Good morning," Yunho said, his hands resting on Mingi's chest now.

"Great morning even," Mingi added with a sleepy smile.

Yunho leaned towards the bedside table, grabbing his phone and checking Mingi's schedule.

"Did you sleep good?"

"No. Some dude kept squeezing the life out of me." He teased.


"Min," Yunho said with a warning tone when he felt Mingi's hands slide up under his shirt, "I-I'm checking your schedule for today."

Mingi took his hands out from under Yunho's shirt, instead sliding them up his thighs, fingertips dipping into Yunho's underwear.

Yunho dropped his phone on Mingi's stomach eliciting a groan from Mingi.

"Morning sex is a privilege reserved for my boyfriend," Yunho scolded him playfully and got up, "You have a promotional interview in a few hours."

Mingi put Yunho's phone to the side and watched him walk out of the room. I need some good date ideas. Mingi sat up and grabbed his phone, about to Google some spots near him when it buzzed.

Halcyon | YunGi | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now