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:o tying up loose ends~Mingi-> Love Like That by LambCYunho -> HANGANGby Hoodyit's important ish later :Palso time skip!!✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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:o tying up loose ends~
Mingi-> Love Like That by LambC
Yunho -> HANGANGby Hoody
it's important ish later :P
also time skip!!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"What's going on?" Mingi asked, poking Yunho's cheek gently and snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Huh?" Yunho turned to face him, "Nothing, why do you ask?"

"You've been staring at your food for a good five minutes now," Mingi pointed out. The two of them were seated in a restaurant together just a few days after their filming and despite the people staring at them, they've been relatively unbothered.

"Oh," Yunho looked down at his plate, "I'm just not that hungry," He said putting down his utensils and picking up his glass of water to sip a bit of it.

"Yun, you've been 'not that hungry' for the last three days. I'm worried about you. Are you sick?" Mingi asked nervously, "Do you want to go to the doctor?"

He leaned over the table, placing his hand on Yunho's forehead and trying to gauge the temperature. Yunho shook his head, "I'm not sick."

Mingi frowned, "Yun. I haven't been pressing you on this because I wanted you to tell me yourself but I'm worried."

"Can we talk about it at home?" Yunho asked softly.

"Okay." Mingi pulled away and went to go pay for their meals.

Yunho looked down at his phone after his boyfriend left, seeing the missed calls from his parents and other family members who were scolding him for ignoring his parents and disgracing their family's name.

He turned it off, feeling sick again.

Mingi returned with takeout boxes, packing up everything and putting it all in a bag before turning to Yunho and extending his hand towards him.

Yunho grabbed it as he stood up, walking with Mingi out of the restaurant together. They made their way back home in a gentle silence with Yunho finally speaking up when they got into their apartment elevator.

"Sorry," Yunho apologized softly.

"For what?" Mingi asked, swinging their hands gently as they waited for the elevator to reach their floor.

"Being off these last few days."

"It's nothing to apologize for babe, I'm genuinely just concerned about you," Mingi squeezed his hand gently and unlocked the door to their house. He put the leftovers away while Yunho went to change into more comfortable clothes before sitting down on the couch.

Mingi did the same and joined the male, sitting down beside him. He said nothing and just looked at Yunho, waiting for the male to collect his thoughts. Yunho sat there in silence for a minute before grabbing his phone and putting it in Mingi's hand.

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