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early update~~ yall know what to do ^_^also, I realized they're seventeen/eighteen in high school cos they're ab to graduate✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧《 Past 》

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early update~~ yall know what to do ^_^
also, I realized they're seventeen/eighteen
in high school cos they're ab to graduate
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
《 Past 》

Yunho received a message from his mother that he needed to take the bus home again after the audition, which pleasantly surprised him. Should.. I go see him? Yunho contemplated to himself. The male fidgeted with his hands before deciding to go anyway. He wanted to nurse his Mingi back to health.

Yunho rushed to the bus stop just in time to catch the next one. Wait.. what if his mom is there? Ah.. I'll just greet her nicely and maybe she will let me see him. Yunho decided. He finally arrived in front of Mingi's house and his nerves spiked up again. Maybe I should just leave.. no- I came all the way here. He rang the doorbell once and a few seconds later a sweaty tired Mingi was standing in front of him.

"Fuck am I so sick I'm seeing things?" Mingi asked, running a hand through his hair with confusion. Yunho's heart shattered a bit seeing the state his Mingi was in.

"Min." Yunho breathed out softly, rushing to hug Mingi. Mingi hugged him back for a second, breathing in the scent of Yunho's neck before realizing how he looked and pushing him away weakly.

"I'm not presentable-"

"You're sick! That would be an inhumane demand to expect you to fulfill." Yunho pushed Mingi back into the house and shut the door. "I came to take care of you."

"You didn't have to do that. I'll be fine by tomorrow." Mingi turned away and coughed into his arm.

Yunho glared at him, "Bedroom. Now."

"Yes sir," Mingi grumbled, allowing Yunho to push him into bed. Yunho pulled the covers up over Mingi and took used dishes into the kitchen, washing them before returning to Mingi who was rolled over onto his side looking at him.

"When's the last time you ate?" Yunho asked sitting down on the bed and caressing Mingi's face.

"Before I called you," Mingi admitted.

"Min that was like five hours ago."

Mingi shrugged, just looking at Yunho, "You're so beautiful." Mingi said suddenly.

Yunho started to blush until he realized Mingi was changing the subject. "Shut up." He sat at the edge of the bed and pulled at the hem of Mingi's shirt, "Let's change you out of this."

"Woah we can't do it when I'm sick," Mingi said and Yunho narrowed his eyes at the male. Mingi laughed and pulled off his shirt, letting Yunho take it from him and throw it in the laundry bin.

Yunho went through Mingi's drawer and pulled out a different shirt, "You want me to help you put it on?"

"I want you to do many things," Mingi smiled innocently and Yunho held back the urge to smack him.

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