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Idk if this counts as a double update~anyways comment! vote :3✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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Idk if this counts as a double update~
anyways comment! vote :3
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Mingi left the classroom and started his walk towards the bus stop. He was honestly caught off guard by the way Yunho apologized and even asked him for help.

The male looked at his hand and remembered Yunho's warm and soft grip on him. His face was so honest... Mingi thought to himself, remembering the look of desperation and remorse on Yunho's face.

He got to the bus stop and paused. Wait.. what am I even going to teach him? He already seems to know how to play the violin... maybe he's just not truly inspired?

The bus arrived snapping Mingi out of his thoughts.

The driver looked at Mingi in annoyance, assuming that Mingi was going to cause trouble on the bus. Mingi just smirked and went inside, checking his phone as soon as he sat down.

I'm working late today. Make sure
to eat and get your homework done.

Mingi texted her back and turned his headphones on before putting his phone into his pocket. He started tapping along to the instrumental and looking out the window with boredom.

He was zoning out when he recognized Yunho in the car beside the bus. The male looked to be tense while getting scolded by whoever was driving him.

Mingi pushed at his piercing with his tongue, feeling discomfort as he looked away from the two.


Yunho returned to class the next day before Mingi arrived and sat down at his desk tiredly. It was embarrassing to admit, but he'd had difficulty sleeping all night because he kept thinking about Mingi and watching all of his old performances to see how good he really was.

I wonder what we're going to do today after class. Yunho hummed to himself and pulled out his phone, plugging in his earbuds and selecting a different video on Mingi's Instagram page to play.

"Yunho~" Yeosang chirped as he walked into the classroom with Seonghwa beside him.

"Hey." Yunho looked up with a gentle smile on his face as he quickly shoved his phone into his desk.

"You seem to be in a better mood. You were smiling at your phone too,"  Seonghwa said, sitting at his desk and turning his chair around to face his friend.

"Really?" He brought his hands up to his face and realized he had been smiling. Oh .. was I smiling watching that entire performance?

"I was just watching a funny video." He lied.

 Seonghwa hummed, not pressing him any further, "Do you guys wanna go to Crown Cafe today?"

Yunho wanted to say yes but he remembered his commitment, "I'm busy today. I've decided to get some additional.. uh.. tutoring." He said just as Mingi walked into the room. The tall male had barely taken two steps in when two students approached him to talk to him.

Halcyon | YunGi | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now