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later post than usual !pls vote n comment and react to motivate me✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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later post than usual !
pls vote n comment and react to motivate me
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Yunho sat down on his couch fiddling with his hands nervously while Yeosang and Seonghwa stood in front of him, staring down at him.

"What the hell was that?" Yeosang asked and Seonghwa nodded.

Yunho smiled nervously, "Well.. it just kind of happened.."

"How?  I thought you were over him after that stunt he pulled when you guys slept together," Seonghwa reminded.

"There was a misunderstanding from high school," Yunho explained, averting his gaze from the two of them. He started explaining everything from start to finish of the parents' day events up to the present and the two of them were in disbelief.

"That's.. wow." Yeosang finally spoke.

Yunho finally looked up at them, "It was just really poor timing for the both of us and a lot of conclusions being made too soon. But it's different now~" He said, lifting his hand to show them the bracelet.

"So you guys are official this time?" Seonghwa asked and Yunho nodded, his face a bit red.

"Like boyfriend title official?" Yeosang asked making Yunho nod again.

"We're 'I love you' level official," Yunho said shyly and Yeosang almost screamed in excitement and disbelief.

"When did that happen?" Seonghwa questioned sitting down next to Yunho.

"The night you guys called me," Yunho said, "While we were.. going at it."

"Yunho!" Yeosang smiled, "I guess that's cute or whatever." He sat down on the other side of the male.

"But now you're both taken~ why are you leaving me to be single alone?" He whined, slumping down on the couch.

"Hongjoong and I aren't official yet. I plan on asking him out though."

"Same thing!" He exclaimed with a huff.

Yunho patted the male's head about to offer him comfort when someone knocked on his door. "Hold on guys," Yunho said, getting up and opening the door to see Mingi.


Mingi leaned in, kissing Yunho on the lips softly before pulling away to hand him a small bag of freshly baked pastries, "I missed you. I wish you could've slept over." I can't believe he came over because he missed me. Why is my boyfriend so fucking cute?

"We saw each other last night-" Yunho started.

"Wow, Yunho." Yeosang teased, "Way to rub it in."

Mingi stepped back, "Oh shi- you have people over?"

Yunho was embarrassed, Now they know how he and I act when we're alone.

"Hello, Mingi," Seonghwa said.

Halcyon | YunGi | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now