2. Facing Reality

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Max's attempts to find Olivia were lacking results, and he was growing desperate. He had come off his semi-comatose state though, because he truly believed their relationship still stood a chance. Not everything was lost. However, he also knew that the truth about Olivia's departure would come to light eventually and he thought it was better if he faced the ugly truth himself.

That's why Max decided to talk to Checo during the FIA ceremony gala in Bologna. Since Olivia was not there to be his plus one, he attended alone, and he thought it would be better to have this talk in a place where Checo had to keep his cool. What better place than the gala filled with their bosses, cameras and the whole FIA?

Checo had been serious and distant at the beginning of the gala. Max figured he was simply not himself due to the worries of his missing little sister. Before the award ceremony started, Max, Charles and Checo were taking a drink when Max blurted it all out "It was my fault Olivia ran away" he said looking down at his drink with his brow furrowed. He figured it was like ripping off a band aid, the quickest the better.

Charles looked confused for a second but Checo froze and stared at him. He tensed up; to be fair he already figured that was the case anyway, but he still wanted to know the details "What do you mean when you say it was your fault?" Checo asked.

Max looked up at him, he was nervous and his face was flushed "I called Ashley, after the police called me back in Zandvoort. I just wanted to know if the baby was mine Checo, but I blurted it all out, how the police knew she was behind this and how they were looking for her. I freaked out" he admitted "and Olivia found out about this and she left. She didn't even stay long enough to dump me, after the race she was.. she was just gone" he said looking back down to his swirling gin.

"Oh god Max" said Charles as he ran his hands through his frustrated face.

Checo's jaw was tight "Well that explains why she decided to disappear" he shook his head in disbelief.

"She just never gave me a chance to explain, and now she won't answer my calls or texts.." started Max.

"Well she's not answering anyone's Max" said Checo coldly "I only know she's in Africa because Lewis told me, Liv said good bye and left".

"Do you know where exactly in Africa? Checo if I could just talk to her I know she would understand what happened, and she could come back" said Max pleadingly. Checo looked at him and could easily see this was driving Max crazy, but still Checo did not answer. He couldn't believe Max had messed up yet again. Max could see the anger in Checo's face "Checo please, I just wanted the baby to be safe, that's all, I fucked up" he said with torment in his eyes.

Checo looked at his guilty face and against his will he gave in. He knew if one of his kids were ever in trouble he would do anything for them. This baby was not Max's, but that didn't mean that Max hadn't cared for him. He did believe it was his kid for months after all. "Max I don't know where she is, Lewis hasn't been receiving messages for days either" he said, there was still a cold note in his voice.

Max let out a desperate sigh and shook his head "I can't lose her" he said quietly "I need to fix this, I have to bring her back".

"Mate" said Checo slowly, he didn't feel like comforting Max but he still said "Knowing Liv, she will come back eventually, you'll just have to wait" he said as he gave Max a pat in the back, maybe a little too strong "Now I'm gonna go look for Carola, she has been dying for news about Liv" he said somberly before he left.

To Max's surprise, Charles was looking pissed as he stood there and said "Max how could you do that to Liv?". Once again, Charles was looking truly angry at Max, just like he had at the baptism.

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