8. Christmas

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Olivia didn't remember waking up in Max's arms could feel this good, but it did. Max was already awake, lying in bed with his arms around her, she cuddled up even closer, wanting to keep him near. "Good morning" he said as he kissed the top of her head. 

Olivia sighed "Good morning love" Max's heart started beating faster just hearing her say that. Knowing she was his once again, and he was hers. 

He stroked her back and said "So should I call the pilot? When do you wanna go home?".

Olivia looked up at him "Oh I can't go back yet" she said with wide eyes. Max looked confused "It's just that I told Lewis I was taking care of Roscoe, and after everything he has done for me it would be a really sucky move if I just left without even saying good bye or anything".

"I mean.. he kind of left you here so.." said Max hesitantly.

"Max if it weren't for Lewis, you and I wouldn't be together right now. If it weren't for him I would probably still be in Africa without talking to anyone". 

Max turned to the side and shook his head "He's the one that flew you to Africa.."

"If he hadn't I would've just gone somewhere else, alone" she said matter of factly "he brought me back, took me to the doctor, let me stay here, made me use my phone again and go to London... seriously Max I'm not leaving until he comes back". 

Max looked at her wide eyes, if this kid was as stubborn as Olivia he was doomed, and still he smiled "Alright, well then I guess that means Christmas in Switzerland".

Olivia smiled at him "Just you and me". 

"Sounds perfect" he kissed her forehead. 


Later that day, after taking Roscoe out for his morning walk, they headed over to Max's hotel, where he took a shower and picked up the rest of his things. Then they went into town, Liv drove Lewis' car "So we look for a gift and we meet back here in an hour?" asked Max.

"Yeah, let's not go too crazy okay? I'm not sure of what I'll be able to find last minute" said Olivia.

Max gave her a quick kiss "You could give me a rock and I'll be grateful" he winked at her.

Olivia chuckled "I'm sure I can find something better than that".

They parted ways and started looking amongst the stores. Olivia felt really clueless. What does someone gift to the guy that has absolutely everything? As she browsed amongst the clothing stores, jewelers, sporting goods stores, nothing really caught her eye. The hour was nearly up and Max called her phone "Hey love, how's it going?".

"At this point you might actually get a rock" said Olivia starting to feel desperate.

Max laughed "Honestly anything is good, I'm gonna get us something to eat for dinner. What should I get? Checo said in Mexico you eat turkey right?".

"Ugh don't get turkey" said Olivia getting nauseous just thinking about it "Don't get any type of bird or uncooked fish. Other than that I think we're good" 

Max chuckled "Okay no birds or fish".

"Oh and get dessert. Like cookies or a really good chocolate cake. Or both" she shrugged.

Max laughed "I'll take care of it".

"Oh my god, I think I found your gift, I'll call you later okay?" said Olivia as she looked through a store window. 

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