27. What's in a Home?

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On Monday, before taking Max and Checo to the airport, they made a stop at their new apartment building to sign the official papers. One of the apartments was under Olivia's name and the other one was under Max's. This was their new beginning, their new home, completely theirs. 

"So what do you think?" said Liv to Checo as he visited their new place.

"I think it's great" he nodded looking around "It's going to be massive once you tear that wall down" he said "It's perfect".

Olivia smiled brightly at him before turning to Max and grabbing his hand. He kissed the side of her head as he smiled looking around their new place.

Olivia dropped them off at the airport in Nice afterwards, before returning to Checo's apartment, where a couple of her bags and her cats were already waiting for her. 

She spent the next couple of days resting at home, with her cats and her family. She met an architect at her new apartment on Tuesday that would design the best floor plan to unite both apartments. It was all going well.

"So are you finally going to name a baby after me or what?" joked Olivia as Carola and her watched a movie in the apartment while the kids played with the cats on the carpet in front of them. 

Carola chuckled "Liv we don't even know if it's a boy or a girl" said Carola "we don't have a name yet".

"Well I just think it's a little unfair" said Liv "I mean you named one after Max, how come he gets one before I do?" she said indignantly.

Carola looked at her very confused "Max? What are you talking about?".

"Emilio" said Liv like it was obvious "Max EMILIAN" clarified Liv "Emi is clearly named after Max".

Carola burst out laughing. As she laughed she managed to say "No he's not" she tried to breath and shook her head in disbelief "You're so ridiculous".


However for Max things hadn't been going so well, there was a huge storm coming down on the Emilia-Romagna region. Certain areas were flooding completely, truly affecting the people of the community in a severe weather emergency. The F1 staff had been evacuated from the circuit on Tuesday due to the fear of flooding. Then on Wednesday they weren't allowed to come back and the Grand Prix was officially canceled. 

On Thursday, Max and Checo were able to come back to Monaco securely. Olivia sighed in relief as she held on to Max one more time, now that they were both safely back. 

Max and Olivia went back to staying at their old apartment as they started packing their things while the construction work started at their place. Instead of taking out the whole wall, they would only take out some of it and they would fill in that hole with a large sliding wooden door, so that both areas could be connected if needed or separated. 

They spent their days resting and packing, but they always made time every day to spend with the kids. When the weekend arrived they were finally able to take them out on the boat. They all spent Sunday in Max's yacht, taking in the sun and those last days of spring before summer was finally here. Checo, Max, and Olivia rode jet skies and paddle boarded. The kids splashed around in the jacuzzi and once the sun was setting they took the yacht back to the port before heading home to rest. 

Olivia loved having her family around. The people she loved most in the world were all with her, just a couple of blocks away. By Wednesday of the next week, right before the Monaco Grand Prix weekend started, their sliding door connecting both apartments was done and the moving company was taking all of their things from their old apartment into the new one. Olivia was packing up the closet, setting their clothes, bags and shoes into boxes as Max packed up the sim room and his trophies. 

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