12. The Match

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The next day they took Max's boat out on the water. It was pretty cold so they didn't actually swim, but they sailed out for a while on the water and still it was a nice way to spend the day. Olivia had figured out that as long as she was in the apartment around the times when she usually fell ill, there was no reason to tell Jos anything. 

It ended up working for the next few days. Blue Jaye and Liv were getting along great and Max kept trying to order lots of different dishes for the table whenever they went out, always avoiding chicken. Jos and Olivia were civil to each other the entire week, and Max really enjoyed being able to share his relationship with Liv with the rest of his family. 

The day before Blue Jaye and Jos had to go back they decided to go play padel. Olivia wore a short black skirt and matching top for exercising. The tiny bump was right there on plain sight but she put on a sweatshirt on top to cover it up.

 They got to the court and started playing with teams. First Blue Jaye and Liv vs. Max and his dad, Liv and Jaye won. Then Jaye and her dad vs. Olivia and Max. 

Olivia started laughing as Max tried to get to a ball and fell awkwardly on the ground. She walked over to him to help him get up "How can you be the top athlete in the world and yet be so bad at padel?" she kept laughing. 

"Hey!" he gave her a slight spank with his racket "I'm not bad, I just haven't unleashed my full potential" he said.

Olivia giggled, on any sport Max still had that killer mentality. Even when the sport wasn't for him. 

"We won!" yelled out jaye as she jumped excited and her dad high-fived her. She started dancing in celebration. 

As they took a sip of water Jaye said "Now I want to be in Max's team" she said with a bright smile.

"Alright then next game is you with Max, and me with my bestie Jos" said Liv.

Max chuckled at her very hidden sarcasm that thankfully Jaye did not understand. Jos just shot her a look and then messed with Jaye's hair "Let's go! I expect you two to kick some butt".

That game Jos and Liv won. Unexpectedly making them get along as long as the game lasted. "First win! Heck yeah!" said Liv as her and Jos high-fived their rackets. As they sipped water afterwards Max came over to her and hugged her from behind while saying to her ear "Have I gone insane or did I actually see you and my dad smile at each other?" he whispered.

Olivia chuckled "Oh definitely insane. Sorry to be the one to tell you that Maxie" she said in denial.

Max teased her "No I don't think I am. I'm pretty sure of what I saw".

"Madness" said Olivia turning to him with a smile and kissing his cheek.

Max and Olivia sat the next game while Jos played against Jaye, one on one. Of course he didn't let her win, he crushed her into the ground and won by a wide margin. Jaye came out of the court flushed and out of breath from how much her dad had made her run throughout the entire court. "I need a break" she said as she took some water.

"You don't need a break" shrugged Jos.

"Actually" jumped in Liv "I want to play one on one with Max if that's okay" she said so Jaye would get to rest for a while.

"Great" said Jaye as she sat down on the bench.

"Common Maxie, show me what you got" she winked at him. 

Max had a bright smile as he stood up and followed her into the court. 

Max and Olivia were both pretty competitive. Which meant they were going pretty hard against each other, no mercy whatsoever. Olivia was winning as the game was coming to an end. She was running to get to a ball when suddenly she felt this sharp pain in her lower abdomen, it made her eyes shut for a second as she screamed from the pain. The sound of her scream resonating through the walls of the court. She stoped running and held on to her abdomen with her eyes shut, bending forwards in pain. 

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