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*Dear reader, please don't lose your mind, read the whole thing*


"Leah!" Olivia yelled throughout the house, looking for the little girl everywhere "Common Leah we have to go!" she entered the girl's room and she wasn't there. Still she stood there for a second before slowly creeping closer to the closet and opening the doors abruptly, trying to surprise her. She wasn't there.

"Leah!" she called out as she walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. "We're gonna be late!" she called out. Then in one second she threw herself on the floor and peaked underneath the bed "Boo!" 

The small girl burst out laughing and giggling as she hid underneath the bed and finally came out. 

A sweet little girl, almost two years old, giggled in her mother's arms as Olivia carried her. She was the spitting image of her. "Look at you, you're all dusty now" she said brushing away the dust from her clothes. "You're gonna have to change".

"Why?" she asked, her new favorite word. Everything was followed by a 'why'. 

"Because, you should be clean" said Liv walking to the closet with her in her arms. 


Olivia chuckled "Society's rules and structure my love" 

Leah stared at her blankly not understanding what she had said. 

Once Leah was in a clean set of clothes they walked down the stairs and headed to the car "We are so late" said Olivia as she strapped her on the car seat and closed the door before she sat at the front of her GLS SUV. "I hope he's not already on the track".

"Daddy!" Leah yelled out excited as they headed to the circuit. 

"Exactly, this is your daddy's favorite race, we should be there on time" said Olivia as she started to drive.

The circuit was bursting with people and energy. It was almost time for the cars to be out on the track and Olivia rushed with Leah by the hand as she heard the all-too-familiar voice "There you are! You made it!" 

Leah let go of her hand and ran to his father yelling in excitement and jumped to his arms as she reached him. Olivia stopped for a moment to regain her breath as they walked over to her "I thought you weren't going to make it" he said "Hi beautiful".

"Hi Patito" said Olivia as she gave him a small kiss on the lips "Someone thought it was a good time to play hide and seek" she said tickling the girl's tummy as she giggled and squirmed.

Pato chuckled "It's fine, at least I got to see you before I go, I have to run now actually" said Pato giving Leah a kiss on the cheek before putting her down "Cheer for the #5 please!" he called out as he started to rush.

"Number 7? Okay got it!" joked Liv and she could hear Pato's laughter as he kept running.


By the end of May, Olivia and her family were spending the days at her favorite place in the world. A short break before the next race, a very important one. 

The kids ran on the beach chasing each other. Little Olivia and Leah screamed as they ran on the sand. Checo Jr, Emilio and Carlota played football with Checo and Pato.

"Don't get too close to the water!" called out Liv to the kids as they ran and she sat next to Carola on the beach chairs. 

"Are you excited for Le Mans?" asked Carola turning to Liv.

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