33. The Great Nothingness

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It was Tuesday morning and the cats roamed around their hotel suite as they unpacked for their week in Austria. It was lovely to see them with them at their room, all of them traveling together. Olivia was placing her clothes in a drawer when Max came up from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder and taking in the flowery smell of her hair. Olivia leaned back to rest her back on his chest and be fully embraced by him with a smile on her face as Max said "Let's go to dinner tonight, a date".

"I'd love that" said Olivia turning her head to the side to kiss his cheek "Where should we go?".

"Hmm, don't worry about that, I'll arrange everything" he said loosening his grip on her waist enough to turn her around and kiss her lips "Just be ready at 8".

Afterwards Max left to begin with his media duties for Red Bull since this was his team's home race. It would take place at the Red Bull Ring and therefore there was a whole lot of media involved. Meanwhile Olivia stayed at the hotel and worked on editing some photographs for the Mercedes team before they had to meet the next day. 

However at 5 o'clock there was a knock on her hotel room door and she walked to the entrance of the room and opened it to see who it could be. It was a man from the hotel staff, delivering a big white box with a red bow and a bouquet of red roses. 

"Good afternoon Miss Perez, I was told to deliver this to you" said the man with a tight lipped smile on his face.

Liv looked at the flowers brightly "Okay of course, I'll take them" she said as she struggled to take both the bouquet and the gift from him. She had learned her lesson about letting strangers bearing gifts come into her place, she wasn't doing that anymore. "Thank you" she said with a smile as she had a hold of both.

Olivia placed the flowers on the small table of the living room and then sat on the couch to pen the white box. She found inside a beautiful short white dress. It was exactly Olivia's style, it was simple and gorgeous, the top tied around the neck into a knot to show an open back. There was also a note inside that said 'Olivia, wear this tonight please. I love you -M.V'

As Olivia admired the beautiful white dress she remembered the black leather box she had found at their closet when they were moving. She had checked afterwards and the box wasn't there anymore, then they moved apartments and she never saw it again, even after unpacking the closet of their new place. Max must have moved it, it couldn't just dissappear. Her heart started beating like crazy as a broad smile appeared on her face and her feet started bouncing up and down on the floor. Was this it? Was she getting engaged that night?

She took a deep breath, trying to not get too excited about it. After all, they could simply be going to a regular dinner and she didn't want to be crushed if he didn't ask her to marry him. However, the last time Max had done something like this had been in Brazil, when he had planned to ask her to move in with him. Of course that didn't go as planned, but maybe now it would. 

At seven o'clock Max came back from the paddock, Olivia was doing her makeup in the bathroom when he came into the bathroom and placed his arms around her waist before kissing her lips. 

"Hey love" she said with a bright smile and the light shinning in her eyes.

"Hi Olivia" he said giving her another small kiss "You look beautiful"

"Do you like it? My boyfriend picked it out for me" she said placing her arms around his neck "He did a really great job" she nodded.

"Oh really?" he said chuckling as he gave her another kiss, not letting go of her face as he kissed her again and again "Do you think he'd mind if we took it off for a moment?"

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