21. Sedated

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Olivia couldn't calm down, as much as she tried, her cries seemed to be getting more painful every minute.

"Miss Perez please, you have to calm down, you have broken ribs. You're gonna hurt yourself" said the nurse holding on to her arm and shoulder, mainly to keep her still. Max still sat on the other side of the bed, tears falling down his face and holding her hand as he saw Olivia suffer their loss. 

"I..can't..it all.. hurts" she said starting to hyperventilate.

"If you stop moving it's going to hurt less" said the nurse doing her best to try and calm her down. 

Olivia just cried harder, that's not what was hurting her. 

After a few more minutes of uncontrollable crying the doctor had to slightly sedate her so she would stop. They didn't want her damaging the work they had done trying to fix her bones. 

The hospital would only allow one of the visits to stay the night, so Checo kissed Olivia's forehead before leaving for the night as she slept. He knew there was no point fighting Max, he was not leaving. 

Max didn't leave her side at all that night. Not even to sleep on the couch. He sat next to her bed and didn't let go of her hand, he fell asleep with his head uncomfortably dangling to the side while Olivia slept heavily sedated. 

The next morning, they reduced Olivia's sedatives so she would be conscious. 

Olivia woke up to see Max sitting next to her, he had dark shadows under his red eyes, his face was still puffy, his hair was messy. She wanted to make a joke about his look but couldn't get it out of her mouth, she couldn't even form a smile. She just squeezed his hand lightly.

"How are you feeling Olivia?" he said in a raspy voice as he looked at her with sad eyes.

Olivia was very disoriented but she did know one thing "I feel.." she started "empty" she said lastly.

It made Max's face wince with pain. Seeing her like that just added to his torture, he could see her light had been extinguished, her sparkle was gone. 

He stood up to get closer to her and kissed her forehead "I'm so sorry this happened to you love, to us" he said as his voice broke one more time, but he was trying to be strong again. He had to do better, he didn't want them to sedate Olivia into another heavy sleep. "But I am so glad you're okay" he said as he gave her another kiss on the forehead and stroked her cheek.

'Okay'. That was a funny way of describing it, Olivia felt everything except for okay. As a matter of fact she wasn't sure she would ever feel okay again. Still, she held Max's hand that caressed her face and kissed its palm. In a way, she was glad Max and Checo hand't been in the accident either. She couldn't lose anyone else. Then she remembered something.

"What happened to Ace?" asked Olivia.

"He broke his arm and dislocated his shoulder" he said "He's also pretty banged up but I'd day you took the worst impact, the crash was on your side". 

"Which arm?" asked Olivia intrigued.

"Uhm, the right one" said Max remembering.

Olivia nodded, in her memories Ace reacted and tried to reach out for her with his right arm. It had been for nothing, he broke and dislocated it instead. And Olivia still lost everything.

Then Max continued "They're gonna start diminishing the sedatives and hopefully we can go home tonight" he said with a pained look as he brushed the hair from her forehead. 

"I'm still sedated?" asked Olivia, she guessed that's why she hadn't cried yet. 

"Yes love, they don't want you to hurt your ribs even more. They are gonna give you some medication to take at home as well" he said as he held on to her hand. 

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