13. Struck

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Two weeks had gone past. Max had made Jos and Jaye understand that Olivia's pregnancy was to be kept a secret, and so far the news of Max Verstappen becoming a father again were non existent. Olivia had stuck to her bed rest this entire time, which was pretty boring, but Max would try to keep her entertained playing video games, board games and watching movies with her whenever he wasn't working. Lewis had even gone to visit her a couple of times while Max was out training. 

Now it was time to see what the doctor had to say about Liv's condition and wether she could return to her regular life. 

"Everything is looking good over here" said the doctor as she checked Liv's ultrasound "did you bleed again?".

"No, not at all" said Max as he held Olivia's hand. 

"That's good Mr. Verstappen but I was talking about Miss Perez" joked the doctor to fight their nerves and tension. 

It worked, they laughed "yeah I didn't bleed either" said Liv chuckling. 

"Well it seems like everything is good now. You can go back to your regular daily activities, just do me a favor and try to keep the exercise to a minimum. Do some low impact exercises instead like yoga" said the doctor.

"So.. that's a 'no' on running?" asked Olivia tentatively.

The doctor laughed "Yeah, why don't you try boxing while you're at it" she joked "It's a severe 'no' on running".

Olivia looked unamused at the unnecessary sarcasm. 


Olivia's belly had grown very slightly, but she believed it was still something that could be lied about. Still, she was thankful to be pregnant during the winter, the puffy jackets had become her wardrobe staple. Another thing to be happy about was that her morning sickness was starting to go away little by little. Max was back to eating his chicken with vegetables and Olivia didn't run off to the bathroom anymore. She simply didn't eat it yet either. 

Olivia spent the rest of the week going happily back to regular life. One morning she was going  downstairs to the coffee shop. She was getting two almond croissants for herself and Max when she heard "Liv?!" she knew that voice perfectly. She turned around to see Charles peaking through the door. 

"Percy!" she said brightly as she rushed to hug him. 

"Oh my god Liv where have you been?!" he said smiling as he hugged her "You just left and then I see on Lewis' insta that you were with him in Africa".

They let go of each other "Yeah I was, it was pretty incredible actually"

"You could have texted us you know? Let us know you were okay" said Charles with a slightly concerned look.

"I'm sorry Charles, I'm having this mental fight with my phone" she said shacking her head "But I'm starting to use it again I swear". 

"Good because we were about to kick you out from the group chat" he teased her.

Liv chuckled "Please don't" she said "wait I'll walk with you. Are you going to your apartment?" she asked as she picked up her croissants and walked out of the coffee shop with him. 

"Yeah I just arrived yesterday, I was skiing with some friends" he said smiling "I would have invited you but you know.. you never answer" he joked.

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