31. Hammer to Fall

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Lewis burst out laughing as soon as he saw Liv come out of his bathroom wearing the black protective gear Max had given her. 

His laugh started to sound like steaming kettle, barely any sound coming out of his mouth. It was so contagious it usually made Liv get an attack of giggles, but this time she seemed unamused.

"Shut up Lew, Max made me wear it" she said looking down at herself. She looked truly ridiculous.

"Oh Liv he probably misunderstood" said Lewis still laughing loudly "He probably thought you had been signed to Moto GP, that's the thing" joked Lewis "No wonder he didn't want you driving a bike at all".

Finally a small laugh escaped her as she grabbed the helmet from the table at the entrance of the apartment "Let's just go, the sooner I become good at this, the sooner I can stop wearing this".

Every time Olivia rode the motorcycle she felt more and more confident in it. Now she was able to go faster and she didn't hesitate herself whenever she took a curve. It was an exhilarating and liberating feeling she got every time. 

"You're doing great Liv" said Lewis proudly as she parked in front of him "I think next time we're here in Monaco we could ride through some less populated streets, what do you think?"

Liv was beaming "I think it sounds perfect!" she said "Do you want to practice tomorrow morning too? I leave for Mexico at night".

"Yeah I can probably do a few hours in the morning" he shrugged.


Olivia came back to the apartment that afternoon, holding her protective gear in one hand.

"Hey love" she said as she gave Max a small kiss while he was in the kitchen.

"Hey, how did it go?" he asked.

"It was great, we're going again tomorrow" said Olivia.

"And you did wear the protection pads right?" asked Max.

Olivia chuckled "Oh you mean my medieval armour?" she said jokingly "Yes, yes I did".

Max chuckled "That gives me more peace".

"Really? It gives Lewis attacks of laughter and mockery" she said.

Max laughed even more "I'm sorry love, I swear it's not to make you look silly".

"No, that's just a bonus" she joked with a smile. "I'm gonna go shower" she said before giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking over to the bathroom. 

After she had showered she ate some lunch and watched TV while Max spent time on the sim. Sassy was rolled up next to her on the couch the whole time, purring whenever Liv gave her some scratches on her head. Once the sun had gone down she went back to their bedroom, followed closely by Sassy so she could start packing. 

They would be headed to Puerto Vallarta the next day, to spend a week at the beach before heading to Canada. Then afterwards came Austria, and then Silverstone. So Olivia had to pack for different weathers and enough clothes for a whole month. 

After she was done with almost all of her luggage, about an hour later, she heard the sliding door as Max came over from the other side of the apartment, the still empty one. The only thing they had already settled at the apartment's extension behind the sliding door, was Max's sim room. So apart from that, that whole area was deserted. 

"Wow you already packed?" said Max impressed as he entered the room. 

"Almost done, wanna have dinner?" she asked.

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