18. A Shade of Purple

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Olivia and Max went back to Monaco before Bahrain for pre-season testing. The only reason they made that stop instead of going directly to Bahrain was because they were finally in that moment on which they could finally learn the sex of the baby. 

Max was right about one thing. This pregnancy was getting harder to hide. It seemed like her belly was growing a little everyday now, she wasn't sure how this was going to work in the heat of Bahrain, she couldn't wear a puffy jacket at 25° and in the sun. She would faint. She felt like their secret was almost out and it was just a matter of time before everybody knew. 

However, while they were back in Monaco, where the weather was still nice enough to wear a chunky sweater or a puffy jacket, they were safe. So a couple of days before they had to go back to their public lives in Formula 1, they headed over to the doctor's office. They wouldn't be back for a while, they had races all over the place and coming back to Monaco would require two days to come and two days to go back. It was too much time they did not have. 

Also, the impending trial of Smith was right after Australia, and they would have to head over to Barcelona for that. Olivia wasn't excited about it, Max wasn't either. They wish they didn't have to go but they did. Checo would also be going, simply for moral support. Facing Smith was the last thing Liv wanted to do, but if in any way it helped get Ashley behind bars, or at least helped keep Smith behind them too, then good enough.

This all meant that they could figure out the sex of their baby right now, or they would have to wait a couple of months more. As much as they could wait, Olivia really wanted to know if her instinct was right. If they were having a little girl. 

"Are you two ready?" said the doctor with a smile as she uncovered Liv's belly "This is gonna be a little cold" she always said before applying the gel for the ultrasound. 

Max held on to Olivia's hand, he took a deep breath. 

"We're ready" said Liv with a bright smile and squeezing Max's hand. 

"So ready" nodded Max brightly.

"Very well" nodded the doctor with a smile as she started to inspect Liv's belly through the ultrasound. It took a minute, before she said "It seems that everything is in order, your baby looks healthy and comfortable in there" she said with a smile turning to both of them. Max and Olivia turned to look at each other with a chuckle. 

"Do you want me to write down the sex somewhere? You know a lot of people like doing gender reveals or..?" she asked.

Max and Olivia turned to each other again "I think we would just like to know" said Olivia as she looked at Max, looking for confirmation.

"Yeah, the old fashioned way, just go ahead and say it" said Max nodding.

"Very well... you two are having a baby girl" said the doctor with a smile.

Olivia let out a nervous laugh, she had it right, she could feel it. She turned to look at Max with a surprised and happy look on her face. Mouth open in a smile, eyes shinning. 

"We're having a girl" said Max beaming as he looked down to Olivia and leaned in to give her a soft kiss. He also let out a small laugh "Oh my god, you knew it" he said as he kissed the back of Olivia's hand as he held it.

"I'm gonna give you two a moment" said the doctor as she headed out to give them some privacy.

Olivia sat up on the bed, she had the brightest smile on her face "Look at her" she said as she looked at the screen and squeezed Max's hand "that's our girl".

Max chuckled "She sure is" he said as he gave Olivia another kiss, more passionate this time that they were alone. Olivia placed her hands on his neck and she felt herself melt under his touch. He had to break away the kiss, a smile on his face and he kissed the top of her forehead.

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