34. Alternate Ending: Start Again

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* From this point forward, the alternate ending of Start Again begins. We pick up the story after chapter 33. The Great Nothingness. Let's see if you can spot the tiny change that altered their lives completely. Also, a lot of what you'll read on this chapter you already read, but it has minor changes that alter the story *


It was race day in Silverstone, and even though the night before they had slept quite late, Olivia still woke up feeling rested and happy. She woke up as the sun was rising, wanting to go up to the roof that morning.

Max and Olivia put on some jeans and t-shirts. Max made Olivia some coffee while she got dressed and they went up to the roof to admire the sunrise together. She leaned back on his chest as he had his arms wrapped around her waist from behind. She felt the comfort of his chest rising and falling as she admired the golden sunrise before her eyes. At some point during the night the rain had stopped, but it had made everything around them look greener, the colors were more saturated. 

She looked up to see his face as he stared out to the horizon. She would never get tired of seeing how the sun rays hit his skin and made his hair appear golden and his eyes appear warmer. 

Olivia left earlier than Max that day, knowing she was going to be rushing the entire day to get more photographs of Lewis and George at their home grand prix.

"I'm leaving now love" she said as she walked to Max and gave him a quick kiss.

"I love you" he said to her before taking another sip of his green juice. He said it casually, like he did everyday knowing they would embrace each other again that night. She smiled at him, like a reflex every time she heard those words come out of his mouth.

"Love you too" she called out with a smile as she grabbed her things and walked out the door. 


Olivia wanted to go into the Red Bull garage before the race started but she simply couldn't, there was way too much work for the British Grand Prix. As the cars left the garage and she finished taking the last few pictures, she headed over to watch the race along with Lewis' father.

"He's winning today Anthony" smiled Liv.

"With that Red Bull in front of him? I believe my son but let's see what he can do" he smiled back at Liv.

It's lights out and away we go!

Lewis had a great start and immediately took the lead of the race from Max, who was chasing after him like a lion to his prey. Behind them was Oscar defending from Charles in the Ferrari. However by the third corner Max was already overtaking Lewis. They were battling viciously as the crowd went crazy. This were the critical corners to overtake before they headed over to the long straights.

Max retained the lead but Lewis was close behind him, looking for the best moment to overtake. As they headed into Copse Corner he tried again, driving through the inside line. Max tried to block him but it was too late, Lewis was already on his inside. Max's car collided with Lewis' and there was a cloud of dirt covering most of the horrible accident. Olivia could barely see through the dirt flying in the air as Max's car was thrown to the side, his right rear tyre had completely popped off. His car was spinning off only to end up crashing against the barrier with incredible speed and force, little bits of the car flying off. 

Olivia gasped loudly as she brought her hands to cover her mouth. She felt the air leave her lungs and she felt her heart skip several beats. It felt like time had stoped as she watched the screen and the yellow flag was announced. The dust in the air started to settle and she saw the RB19  pounded against the barrier. Shit is that the engine? She though, being able to see the sides of the car torn off. There was no movement coming from the cockpit, Max wasn't coming out.

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