9. The Power of 'No'

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Max's solely mission for the next few days was to get Olivia to move in with him. They loved each other, they were having a kid together, she had already previously agreed. He wanted that relationship, he wanted the family, the true commitment. To him, moving in was the logical next step and he knew Olivia wanted to live with him, so what was the holdout?

Meanwhile for Olivia, it was a scary move. It was going back to that vulnerable place, the place before she found out about the lying and the betrayal. It was going into the lion's den and calling it a home. As much as she loved him, it was now mildly terrifying to give herself completely. To give up her place of independence. Maybe a part of her was still hurt from Max's lying. Because understanding why he had done what he did and forgiving him did not magically fix her wounds. It did not make her forget. As much as she was desperately trying to.

On Monday, Christmas day, Olivia woke up and Max was gone. She sat up and looked around the room but neither him nor Jimmy were there. She walked out of the room "Max?" Roscoe came walking to her excitedly. Olivia looked around the apartment and Max was nowhere to be found. She figured he would've gone out to get breakfast or something. She put on her coat, her boots and scarf, and took Roscoe out for his morning walk.

When she had come back she expected Max to be there but he wasn't. She was making herself some coffee in her new machine when she heard the door close. "Max?" she called out.

"Morning love" he called out as he looked for her and he found her on the floor of the living room, where her coffee machine sat since she couldn't move it by herself. He smiled as soon as he saw her, he was carrying a bag full of croissants and different kinds of bread in one hand, Jimmy's head was peaking out of his jacket's chest pocket, and on his other arm was a huge bouquet of red roses. There must have been about 50 of them.

"What is that?" asked Olivia with a smile as she stood up from the ground.

"This is for you" said Max as he gave her a kiss.

"It's lovely Max thank you" she kissed him again and hugged him tightly before taking the bouquet of roses. "I'm gonna put them in water, they're so beautiful".

Max followed her into the kitchen while Olivia looked for a vase and filled it with water. After she had set the flowers in the vase she saw something on the flowers "There's a card" she said turning to Max with a smile.

The card read "Olivia I love you, would you move in with me?".

A smile grew on Olivia's face "That's so sweet love" Max smiled back "but no" she chuckled still smiling. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him "I do love the flowers though, thank you" she kissed him again.

The rest of their day was truly lovely anyway. Max was not giving up easily, a simple "no" did not bring him down and they were still able to enjoy every day together, in their little bubble away from everybody else.

On Tuesday Olivia woke up to another bouquet of roses. This time it was not fifty red roses, it was a hundred of them and in the very center of the bouquet stood one rose different than the rest of them. It was a rose made entirely with gold. Max picked out the golden rose and handed it directly to Olivia "the rest of the roses will eventually die, but this one will last forever. Like you and me"

"It is insanely beautiful" said Olivia as she held his face on her hands and kissed him passionately. Feeling truly grateful of being with someone so sweet to her.

Their kisses continued, Max wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, Olivia's hands moved to the back of his neck and lightly grabbed his hair. Once their lips parted Max asked "Would you move in with me?".

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