4. GQ

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Sophia's assistant David was in contact with Olivia the rest of the day. By the time her morning sickness was over during the afternoon, she already had plane tickets for Tuesday. Lewis insisted on her staying at his place so she declined the hotel reservation, and her bags were ready to go. The meeting previous to the shoot would be really early on Wednesday morning, where the editor and producer would explain the concept and theme to Olivia. 

So Tuesday afternoon Lewis dropped Olivia off at the airport. "When you come back I'm probably not gonna be here anymore, but I'll come back after new years, and feel free to join us if nothing comes up okay?" said Lewis as he gave her a hug. Olivia always felt so taken care of when she was with Lewis, she hugged him tight with a smile.

"Thanks Lew, I'll call you after the shoot is done" she said brightly at him.

"And remember to take it easy!" Lewis reminded her "Don't overwork yourself, there's gonna be plenty of people there to help".

"I promise" she smiled at him "I already told David I need to be out by five, because you know that's when I tend to get my morning sickness. I'll rest tonight, tomorrow I work, and I'll be back by Thursday" she shrugged like it was nothing. 

He smiled at her "Alright Liv, go kill it" he said as he messed with her hair. Olivia laughed and hugged him again "Merry Christmas Lew Lew" she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He chuckled as he hugged her back "Merry Christmas Liv". She let go of him and picked up her luggage.  As she walked into the airport Lewis called out "Remember you can join us for Christmas!". 

"Thanks Lew! See you soon" she turned to smile at him. 

Liv got to London that afternoon, she got to Lewis' house just in time before her morning sickness kicked in. Later that night, she left the house to stroll around the city and get something to eat. 

After having checked her email, Olivia had refused to check the rest of her phone. Which meant she still hand't been on Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp or iMessage. So since she was technically still in hiding, she left the house completely covered up in a coat, cap and scarf. She didn't want to run into anybody. She grabbed something to eat at a small restaurant, got a Christmas present for Lewis and Roscoe, and headed back to the house to go to bed. 

The next morning she woke up at 6 am, she hadn't woken up that early in a while. She showered, admired her tiny baby bump for a minute in the mirror, had breakfast and left for the photography studio where the photoshoot would take place. 

She got there at 8 am, and the rest of the team was also arriving just like her. "Olivia lovely to meet you, I'm Sophia, GQ Sports editor, we spoke on the phone" said a tall brunette woman with blue eyes. 

Liv shook her hand "Lovely to meet you too Sophia, call me Liv" she said with a smile.

Sophia showed Liv around the place, they sat on a table along with the producer and stylist talking about the shoot. "We want to do something very minimalistic. We are familiar with your work for Formula 1, we are so eager to work with you" explained Sophia "I gotta tell you I'm very glad you were recommended to us, I think you are the perfect photographer for this shoot".

"Recommended?" asked Liv confused "Somebody recommended me?" a smile grew on her face, it had to be Lewis, she knew it. After all, he had all the contacts in the fashion and entertainment industry. 

"Yes! And it's perfect, we've got some examples of your work right here and we want to replicate the same style you shot in Japan, very minimalistic, light colors, symmetrical" she said as she looked for Olivia's work on her laptop.

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