37. (Alternate) Family & Home

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Unlike last year, when their vacation plans had been ruined and Max ended up chasing Olivia down until he found her and they spent the holidays by themselves; this time they actually followed their plan. They spent Christmas with Jaye, Jos and Victoria. The cats came along with them of course. 

Liv had to admit that she did end up having a lovely time, and Jos didn't give her any pet snakes or scorpions, which was always a plus. He did get her a sweater though, and Liv simply wrote down her name on Max's gift to him so she got him a very nice watch. 

She loved spending time with Jaye, Max's biggest fan. She had grown quite fond of Liv ever since she got the idea of them getting married back when she was pregnant, and even though she wasn't pregnant anymore, Jaye had already accepted her as part of the family. 

After that they spent New Year's with Max's mother. Sophie, Victoria and Liv got way too drunk on some really nice tequila that Liv had brought over all the way from Mexico. So Max and Victoria's husband ended up carrying them to bed by 1am. At least they got to midnight, although they didn't remember much of it by the next day. Olivia did remember her midnight kiss with Max though, not even industrial amounts of tequila could erase that. 

After New Year's Max stayed a little bit longer with his family while Olivia flew to visit Lewis for his birthday. Lewis got this great skiing cabin in the middle of nowhere and invited his closest friends to spend a week there for his birthday. So they skied, ate delicious food, and they continued their tradition of watching old movies that Lewis didn't consider old at all. . 

After that they spent the following month at the beach house. They got there just in time by the end of January for Checo's birthday. Olivia wouldn't miss it for the world. She got him a very nice wallet and also a gift certificate valid for naming one of her kids after him. He had to keep the certificate though, and exchange it whenever she got pregnant in a few years. This made Checo and Carola laugh so hard but Max just covered his face with his hands in denial, although at the end a laugh did escape him. "The fans already say I'm in love with Checo and you want me to name my kid after him?" he joked. 

Olivia laughed, it was true, #chestappen had become a real thing. Which in Olivia's opinion was a great improvement considering how the public saw their relationship one year before after the Brazil fiasco. She always liked the chestappen edits and would send them to Max, Checo, and also Carola. Carola liked them the most too.

By the end of the month the gift certificate had been lost. Olivia was pretty sure Max had burned it in the bonfire. Checo asked for a replacement but Olivia told him he should be more careful with his things. 

The last month of the break was spent in Monaco, in the comfort of their home. Max had to fly out to Milton Keynes a few times, but it was a nice way to end their winter break peacefully. 

Sooner than they expected though, the 2024 season had arrived, and they had to fly to Bahrain for pre season testing and the first race of the year.  They were officially back to their racing week routine. 

One morning, by the end of their first week there, Olivia was awaken by Max right before the sunrise. This wasn't strange at all, it happened all the time, however Max was already dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt. Olivia could smell the coffee coming from the next room. 

"Morning love" he said brushing the hair off her face "Come with me, I have something to show you".

Olivia sat up disoriented and yawning "What is it?" she asked.

"You'll see" he said as he walked away

"What time is it?" she asked getting up, the sky seemed darker than usual. 

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