20. Affliction

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After another win by Max during the third race of the season, it seemed like 2023 would be all about Red Bull total domination. Liv was glad that at least this time her team had secured a podium with Lewis in second place. She was happy to be back at the podium ceremonies she had grown so accustomed to, although now she looked for the best spot to take pictures of Lewis instead of Max or Checo. Still, she loved seeing Max up on that podium getting yet another trophy. 

However, right after the race they headed to the hotel, packed up their things, showered and drove straight to the airport. Checo, Max, Ace and Liv were now headed to Barcelona for the trial they had been waiting for for months. As they reached the Barcelona airport they were greeted by gray skies and dark clouds, rain falling hard for the next few days.

Olivia just wanted to put all of this to rest. She wanted Smith behind bars, she wanted Ashley caught, and she wanted the nightmare to be over. 

A couple of days later they headed to court, were Olivia would be testifying first. The rain was soft and steady as they headed to the court house. 

"Are you okay Liv?" asked Checo as he squeezed her hand on the drive over, he had a concerned look on his face.

Olivia took a deep breath, that came out slightly shaky. She squeezed his hand back as Max turned to her as well. "I just want this to be over" she said in a small voice.

"It will be soon" said Max with a reassuring smile.

"And we'll be there the entire time" assured her Checo.

"I don't want to see him" she said shaking her head with fear in her eyes.

Max had a pained look on his face as he turned to Checo, who was also looking powerless next to Olivia. "I don't think there's getting away from that Liv" said Checo in a small voice.

"But he won't be able to hurt you" said Max "No way in hell, I'll tackle him before he even gets to go near you" he said decidedly.

"Sure" said Checo sarcastically, trying to break the tension in the air "It's a good thing Ace will also be there, just in case Max hasn't practiced his tackling lately".

It worked, Olivia chuckled as she turned to Checo with a grateful smile.

Her lawyer had told her this much: Liv would be testifying that day, while Max followed by Tom Smith would be testifying the next day. She wore a white midi dress with long sleeves and embroidered flowers on it. She walked into the building holding Max's hand and Checo on her other side. The entrance of the building was filled with paparazzi taking pictures of them. 

Once inside, she spotted her lawyer Martina right away, she walked to them with a tight lipped smile "Liv, we finally meet in person, it's a pleasure Miss Perez" she said shaking her hand "Mr. Verstappen, Mr. Perez" she said shaking each of their hands. 

"The pleasure is mine" said Liv, she could already feel her heartbeat starting to quicken.

"You'll be okay don't worry, it's just the questions we already practiced on Zoom. It shouldn't take that long" Martina reassured her. Liv simply nodded with a tight lipped smile, feeling the nerves of seeing Tom Smith again. 

"Come with me, let's get some coffee before we are called inside, we'll go through everything one last time" said Martina guiding them in. 

"Maybe decaf" said Max holding Olivia's arm and feeling her tense up more every second. 

"And no sugar" added Checo looking at Olivia's wide eyes filled with terror.

After sitting with Martina and drinking a decaf coffee, Liv felt slightly more at ease. Max never stopped holding her hand, he was her anchor to reality, telling her he was there for her at any moment. Checo sat next to her listening intently to everything Martina had to say even though he wasn't testifying. Ace also followed them closely the entire time, alert of their environment. 

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