22. A Vase of Lilacs

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As Liv was left alone that day her phone started to get flooded with messages and calls from her friends and her family. People who had seen the statement they had published that same day about the accident. Even Pato had texted her to let her know he was so sorry to hear about the loss of her baby. Although they didn't talk anymore and things had been tense between him and Max, she knew he meant it. 

Lewis also called her and they had a long conversation about everything. For some reason it helped, it helped her come to terms with her loss although it didn't mean it stopped hurting. Charles and Carlos were also devastated for her, the O'wards, her siblings, Victoria, and even her parents. She appreciated all of their words but at the end of the day she was so exhausted she set her phone on mute. Not wanting to know anything about anyone anymore. 

As she sat by herself in the TV room that was supposed to be turned into a baby room, she was glad they hadn't had the time to do that yet. She imagined having to take down the whole room if it had been re-decorated and done. It would have been excruciating. That night she slept there, on the couch, instead of going to her bed. She felt like there was a ghost in the room, even though the room had never been properly Lila's.

The next morning she woke up as soon as the sunlight started beaming through her window. She checked her phone, answered Max's texts, and then she decided to shower and go downstairs to get some coffee and a croissant. As she came back into her apartment with her warm bread and coffee she received a call from the building's reception. She was receiving some flowers. 

Liv let the delivery person come up. She looked through the peep hole and her breathing shook as she saw a huge purple arrangement. She let the delivery woman in right away.

"Hi" said Liv in a small voice as she stared at the arrangement.

"Hello, these are for Olivia Perez" said the woman with a smile.

"Yeah, you can leave them over here" said Liv letting her in, and guiding her to the living room table.

After the delivery woman had left Liv sat in front of the flowers for a moment, her mouth slightly open as she felt her eyes start to water. They were Lilacs. Different shades of purple lilacs combined with a few dark pink roses made up a beautiful and gigantic floral arrangement set in a glass vase that now stood in front of her. 

After taking it in for a moment she grabbed the card and read it.

"Just because she isn't here doesn't mean she is forgotten. There will always be a piece of her with us. I love you Olivia. -M.V."

The tears started falling down Olivia's face right away, but there was also a smile that appeared. From now until forever, Lila would exist on every Lilac, at least for them. Olivia took in the smell of the purple flowers, and she sent Max a picture of them.


12:31 pm

* tap to open *

I love you so much

You just brought a smile to my face


12:31 pm

I love you more Olivia

I wish I was there with you right now


12:31 pm

And I wish I was there

You're truly amazing

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