11. Visitors

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That same day Olivia and Max went back to Olivia's apartment, picked up the rest of her things and only left behind everything that belonged to Checo and Carola. Which was basically everything. 

"Oh shit! I almost forgot" said Olivia as they were about to leave. She rushed to her bedroom and came back with a screwdriver. 

Max looked at her confused "I've got one of those Olivia, no need to bring your tools" he joked.

Olivia looked at him with a pained face "It's not that" she said as she pointed at the door "I just really want to install my locks there if that's okay".

Max looked at her with a sorry look on his face "Love it's okay, my building has a lot of security, you need a key to go onto the floor" he tried to reassure her.

"Yeah so secure you didn't even know I had moved in" said Olivia sarcastically as she walked to her door and started uninstalling the locks "and no offense love, but Ashley knows where you live. I don't think I can sleep at night knowing she could just waltz in one day".

Max felt a sharp pain in his stomach, it was the guilt that still remained and that would continue to be there while Ashley was free. He walked to Olivia, kissed the side of her head and took the screw driver from her "I got it, don't worry" he started taking the locks off the door. 


It was all smooth sailings during their first week living together. Olivia had found a place for all of her things, her locks were installed at the door, Max's GQ cover had come out and it was fantastic. 

Olivia's barely-there baby bump was now slightly more noticeable. Now there was definitely a bump there on all angles and at all times, but she thought it could still be masked as too much hot chocolate and Christmas food. Still, she had gone out to shop for more loose fitting clothes. She still fit in her regular clothes, but they made the bump very noticeable, she wanted something to hide it with. 

This was specially important because now they were having a visitor, Blue Jaye was coming to visit Max. Olivia was finally going to meet her. Max's father was also coming to visit, Olivia wasn't so thrilled about that one. 

"They get here at 3pm, do you wanna come with me to the airport?" asked Max.

"Of course" said Olivia with a smile as took one of the shirts from the bags of clothes she had just gotten and changed her shirt for a looser one. 

Max sat on the edge of the bed in front of her and pulled her to him. "Hey there" he said at eye-level with her bump. He lifted her shirt and kissed her belly, Olivia giggled and stroked his hair with one of her hands. 

"I can't wait to tell my family" he said as he gave her belly another kiss. 

Olivia froze "Like now?!" 

He looked up at her "Yeah, why not?" he shrugged.

"Max, I kind of don't want anyone to know" she said as she placed a hand on top of her belly as a protective reaction "for as long as possible".

"But why?" asked Max confused "You're almost done with the first three months, I think we should tell our families at least".

Olivia hadn't known why she wanted to keep it a secret all this time. She realized the reason right in that moment. "Max, Ashley is still out there and she still hates me. If she finds out I'm pregnant.." she couldn't even bring herself to finish the sentence, even the thought was too painful. She unconsciously covered her abdomen with both arms. 

Max had a pained look on his face. This was all his fault "Olivia I'm not gonna let anything happen to either of you, I promise" he said looking up at her with sad eyes. 

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