38. (Alternate) I do

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The next day Olivia got her wedding dress accompanied by Carola. There weren't a lot of options available considering that there was no time to alter the dress, but still she found one she loved. A simple dress, white, no back with spaghetti straps and sleeves she could leave on or take off.

As she left the store with her dress already in a dress bag she called Max.

"I've got the dress" she said happily.

"Great! I went to the civil registration with Checo and we've got someone to marry us tomorrow" he said "Now we're on our way to get the rings".

"Perfect" said Olivia "Me and Carola are going to get the food and decorations".

"Do you think the boys will be able to handle their part?" asked Max.

"I think those three can take care of the alcohol and music no problem at all" laughed Olivia.

"And what should I wear?" asked Max.

"Hmm whatever you want" she said.


"I mean, as long as it's a Red Bull shirt and cap I'm good" joked Olivia "Or a swimsuit" she added.

Max laughed "I'll just get a suit"

"Yeah good idea. Oh and hey is Checo there? Can I talk to him?" said Olivia

"Sure love I'll hand him the phone" said Max.

"Yes?" said Checo a few seconds later.

"Checo remember what I told you okay? About the rings" said Olivia.

"Yes, yes, Olivia I remember, I got it don't worry" he said.

"Okay I trust you Chequito" she said.

The next day, on the early afternoon the long table and chairs they wanted for the dinner on the sand and the ceremony arrived to the house. Along with the flowers and the decorations they were able to get in such a short notice.

"I think the ceremony will be on the beach, right Liv?" asked Carola calling out to her as she helped with setting up the decorations.

"Actually, I think I have another idea" Liv said.


Olivia got ready by herself in her room. Since she was at the beach, there really wasn't much use to makeup since it would just melt off, so she put on a bit of concealer, eyeshadow, waterproof mascara and her typical brown eyeliner. She added some lipstick and got her hair in a bun to avoid puffy hair in her photos. Then she put on her dress and just when she was about to put on her shoes there was a knock on the door.

"Yes?" she called out.

"Hey it's me, I'm coming in" said Max

"No!" Olivia ran to the door and locked it "You're not supposed to see me before the wedding, it's bad luck"

Max laughed "Olivia I already saw you, I woke up next to you, we had lunch a couple of hours ago".

Olivia chuckled, it was true "Well you're not supposed to see me in my wedding dress"

She could hear Max's laughter and could imagine him rubbing his face with his hands thinking that it was ridiculous. "Okay fine, I left my suit jacket in there, it's in the closet. Could you get it for me please?"

"Sure wait there" said Olivia.

"I've got nowhere to go" joked Max.

Olivia went into the closet and got Max's jacket in its garment bag. "I'm gonna open the door but close your eyes okay?"

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