10. Sweet Home

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"Lew!" said Olivia smiling brightly as Lewis came out of the airport later that same day.

"Hey Liv!" said Lewis with his goofy smile as he hugged her tightly "How have you two been?" he said glancing down at her stomach. 

"Very well taken care of" she said "Common let's get you to Roscoe".

Olivia drove back to the apartment as Lewis told her all about his ski trip with his family. When they finally got to the apartment and Lewis entered he said "What is that smell?" he was then greeted with the sea of flowers in the living room and the roses that were starting to wither in the kitchen. "Holly shit" he said surprised as Roscoe came rushing to his side. "What is this Liv? You shouldn't have" he joked.

Liv laughed "Max is trying to convince me to move in with him" she explained.

"And what did you say?" he asked.

"I said no" she shrugged.

"Cold" he chuckled.

"Oh and you have seen nothing yet, this was just one of the gifts" she said as she walked over to the kitchen, where the Chanel bag still laid on its box. Lewis followed her "This was yesterday's gift" she said showing him "and this one was from the day before that" she said showing him her wrist. 

"Man, Max really wants you to move in huh?" said Lewis looking at the gifts and the other roses that laid in the kitchen "So why don't you?"

"I don't know" she shrugged "It's kind of like going from breaking up to moving in together, it's a lot".

"Well, if you decide not to move in you are gonna need to make some space on your closet" said Lewis as he walked over for a cup of tea "Or you could start your own flower shop".

Olivia chuckled "Oh people would love to buy Max's flowers, that is for sure".

The rest of the week was quite enjoyable and peaceful, like the rest of her time in Switzerland. She enjoyed the tranquility of being where nobody knew her or expected her to be there. She enjoyed the really cold weather that allowed her to cover up completely when going out, keeping herself and her baby out of the public eye. She enjoyed her afternoons by the fire watching old movies with Lewis and Roscoe asleep next to her. 

Still, as the week came to an end something had become increasingly obvious every single day. She missed Max. She missed waking up next to him, she missed his breakfasts, the touch of his skin, his jokes, he had become a part of her and whenever he wasn't around it was like a part of herself was missing. She didn't want to spend nights apart from him, she didn't want the space, she just wanted him. 

On Saturday it was Lewis' birthday and Olivia got him a new set of headphones for his music studio set up he had back home. 

"Liv this are sick, thank you so much!" said Lewis honestly as he hugged her. 

Olivia smiled as she hugged him back "I love you Lew, I hope you put them to good use and create more music". 

He chuckled as he still had his arms wrapped tightly around her, then he kissed the side of her head "I love you too Liv" he said as he let go of her with a smile. 

After Lewis' birthday celebration on Saturday, on which multiple of his closest friends flew in to have a small party for him, it was time for Olivia to go back to Monaco. 


"Well if you're leaving then I'm leaving too" shrugged Lewis "Let's go back home then" Lewis had told her earlier that week. Which is why on Sunday they flew back to Monaco together. 

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