19. Fluttering

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"Are you nervous?" asked Max as they were on the plane ride to Bahrain. Sitting across from each other on the jet.

"A little, yeah, I don't want to get to mobbed with questions or having to be constantly alert. But the security is gonna be there when we land right?" said Olivia looking out the window with a worried look on her face.

Max tried to hold in a chuckle unsuccessfully.

"What?" asked Olivia.

"I meant about starting out in Mercedes Olivia" he said with a smile.

"Oh right" she chuckled "A little yeah, I think I'm gonna miss Red Bull to be honest".

"You could come back" Max suggested "I'm sure Christian would let you stay with us".

Of course Christian would, he had already told Liv she was part of the family regardless of Max and Checo, but she had a responsibility with Mercedes "Maybe next year love, but right now I have a contract and I have to see it through" she said decidedly.

Max shrugged "Alright, I'm just going to miss seeing you at the motor home or around the garage".

A smile spread across Olivia's face "You'll see me all the time don't worry about it".

Max and Olivia would also start seeing Ace all the time. He was Olivia's new security guard who was in charge of following her basically everywhere and making sure nothing happened to her. They would be meeting him as soon as the plane landed.

As the plane finally arrived in Bahrain and Olivia and Max got out of the jet they were met by Ace right away, waiting for them at the bottom of the stairs. They recognized him right immediately from the picture they had been sent by the security agency.

Wearing a black suit, white shirt, black tie and sunglasses, Ace stood alert and threateningly as they approached him. After some formal introductions they were followed by him on a second car to the hotel.

"So 'Ace', do you think that's like a nickname?" Olivia asked Max curiously as they were on their way to the hotel "like, he's so good at his job he's an 'ace' at it? Or is it his actual name?"

Max laughed "not sure love, you should ask him".

Olivia shrugged "I will".

After they arrived to the hotel and got their room key Ace did a whole security check on the room before letting them in "This part is useful" nodded Olivia, remembering the time that she was attacked in her own hotel room.

"Everything's clear" nodded Ace with a serious face as he came out of the room and let them in.

"Great" said Liv going in.

"We'll be going to bed now Ace so you can meet Olivia here tomorrow before she needs to leave at 9am" said Max.

Ace nodded and Liv added "Oh and also, could you tone it down a bit with the outfit? I mean you're really nailing the whole body guard look but if you could dress a bit more normal you know? So it's less noticeable" she shrugged.

"Of course Miss Perez" he nodded.

"You can call me Liv" she said.

"Is there anything else that the two of you need tonight?" asked Ace.

Max and Olivia looked at each other and shook their heads "Not really" he said.

"Very well, have a good night Sir, Miss" he said nodding his head before turning around to leave.

Olivia closed the door "He's such a ray of sunshine" she joked.

Max laughed "Well he's not here to tell jokes love, he's here to take care of both of you" he said placing his arms around her waist.

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